Twiggy Ramirez ; arguably "co-star" in the band to Manson himself, and with whom the grand Triptych of 'Antichrist Svperstar', 'Mechanical Animals' and 'Holy Wood' were co-written with. The following are various visual influences and evocations made by Twiggy since joining the band prior to 1994's 'Portrait of an American Family' and up to his rejoining for the 2008 'Rape of the World' tour.
Twiggy Ramirez可以说和Manson都是乐队的灵魂人物,他和Manson合作编写了'Antichrist Svperstar', 'Mechanical Animals' and 'Holy Wood'三部曲。下列是他自从他自'Portrait of an American Family'时期加入乐队到'Rape of the World'巡演以来为乐队带来的各种各样可观的影响

Left ; The Alchemist | Alejandro Jodorowsky in 'The Holy Mountain', one of Manson and the band's admitted favorite, highly influential film. Right ; Twiggy Ramirez on the 2008 'Rape of the World' tour in his "witch's" guise stage outfit, evoking 'The Alchemist' Alejandro Jodorowsky in the film 'The Holy Mountain'
第二张图:'The Holy Mountain'中的炼金术士Alejandro Jodorowsky。这部电影('The Holy Mountain')是Manson和各成员一致承认最喜欢的,受其影响最大的电影之一。
第三张图:Twiggy Ramirez在2008年'Rape of the World'巡演中的巫婆装束,这身装扮很容易让我们想起电影'The Holy Mountain' 中的炼金术士Alejandro Jodorowsky。

Twiggy Ramirez in 1997 during the 'Antichrist Svperstar' era with his, then, signature shaven forehad look
1997年'Antichrist Svperstar'时期Twiggy Ramirez刮去了前额的头发。

From left to right ; Alejandro Jodorowsky in the oft-Manson-referenced film 'The Holy Mountain', Charles Manson during a parole hearing in the 1980's and infamous drag queen Divine, in the film 'Pink Flamingos' which was sampled heavily throughout 'Portrait of an American Family'.
从上到下:Manson多次提及引用过的电影'The Holy Mountain'中的炼金术士Alejandro Jodorowsky、1980年假释听证会中的Charles Manson(美国历史上最疯狂的超级杀人王,Manson的名字就有一半取自他)、电影'Pink Flamingos'中声名狼藉的女小偷女郎。这些元素贯穿了'Portrait of an American Family'这张专辑。
Three previous demagogues, cited by Manson and the band at various points as inspirations, who were "predecessors" of a shaven forehead aesthetic.

Marilyn Manson promo photos, 1997 with Twiggy Ramirez and his shaven forehead aesthetic.
Marilyn Manson乐队1997年的宣传海报,我们可以看到Twiggy Ramirez的光额头