其实,早在2020年,日本厚生省(卫 生部)批准NMN作为药品及食品原料生产,成为全球第①个也是目前全球唯①一个官方批准NMN食品使用法规的国家,食药区分。
日本W+NMN端立塔25000可以在体内转化为NAD+,补充随年龄增长而逐渐减少的NAD+水平。 如此一来,可以减缓甚至逆转一些与老化相关的生理变化,维持细胞的年轻状态和活动力。
Japanese W+NMN Telita 25000 can be converted into NAD+ in the body, supplementing NAD+ levels that gradually decrease with age. In this way, it can slow down or even reverse some of the physiological changes associated with aging, and maintain the young state and activity of cells.
日本W+NMN25000临床功效与作用(一):增加血液中NAD+浓度,改 善人体血液健康
2022年12月,日本研究人员发表了一项研究,对80名40-65岁的健康志愿者连续60天口服300mg、600mg和900mg的日本W+NMN25000,受试者血液学检测发现各项指标均正常,血液中NAD+浓度增加。受试者的血液生物年龄、六分钟步行测试和SF-36分数(主观健康评估)有较大改 善。
In December 2022, Japanese researchers published a study in which 80 healthy volunteers aged 40-65 years took 300mg, 600mg and 900mg of Japanese W+NMN25000 orally for 60 consecutive days, and hematological tests of the subjects found that all indicators were normal and the concentration of NAD+ in the blood increased. There were significant improvements in blood biological age, the six-minute walk test, and the SF-36 score (subjective health assessment).

其实,早在2020年,日本厚生省(卫 生部)批准NMN作为药品及食品原料生产,成为全球第①个也是目前全球唯①一个官方批准NMN食品使用法规的国家,食药区分。
日本W+NMN端立塔25000可以在体内转化为NAD+,补充随年龄增长而逐渐减少的NAD+水平。 如此一来,可以减缓甚至逆转一些与老化相关的生理变化,维持细胞的年轻状态和活动力。
Japanese W+NMN Telita 25000 can be converted into NAD+ in the body, supplementing NAD+ levels that gradually decrease with age. In this way, it can slow down or even reverse some of the physiological changes associated with aging, and maintain the young state and activity of cells.
日本W+NMN25000临床功效与作用(一):增加血液中NAD+浓度,改 善人体血液健康
2022年12月,日本研究人员发表了一项研究,对80名40-65岁的健康志愿者连续60天口服300mg、600mg和900mg的日本W+NMN25000,受试者血液学检测发现各项指标均正常,血液中NAD+浓度增加。受试者的血液生物年龄、六分钟步行测试和SF-36分数(主观健康评估)有较大改 善。
In December 2022, Japanese researchers published a study in which 80 healthy volunteers aged 40-65 years took 300mg, 600mg and 900mg of Japanese W+NMN25000 orally for 60 consecutive days, and hematological tests of the subjects found that all indicators were normal and the concentration of NAD+ in the blood increased. There were significant improvements in blood biological age, the six-minute walk test, and the SF-36 score (subjective health assessment).