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【All露琪亚】授权转载翻译【日露同人】——She's Going To Kill Me


She's Going To Kill Me
   作者Lonely in the basement  

1楼2010-10-19 07:31回复
    "That is the last of the announcements for this meeting." Said Head Captain- Yamamoto.
    "Now, is there anything else that needs to be addressed? Please speak now, or wait till next months meeting."
    There was silence in the hall for a moment. Long enough for everyone to be able to think that they could finally leave this boring, god-awful meeting, and party like most usually did after these meetings.

    2楼2010-10-19 07:34
      "Yes sir, I have something I need to address."
      Everyone turned to Rukia Kuchiki, the new Lieutenant of the Thirteenth Division.
      Yamamoto suppressed a groan.
      "Yes Lieutenant Kuchiki, please stand to the front."
      Rukia walked from her spot near Captain Ukiteke and made her way to the front of the room.
      "I wish to file a Suppression Of Activity on someone."
      "Go on"
      The new Lieutenant pulled a folded up piece of paper from her sash.
      "Yes, Point One: I wish for Captain Hitsugaya to stop leaving love poems on my desk…"
      Even though it was obvious that Rukia had more to say, she didn't get the chance.
      Renji managed a loud "WHAT" interrupting her. Then Matsumoto began laughing, and Byakuya raised an eyebrow. Everyone else turned to look at Hitsugaya, who had a panicked look on his face.
      "W-wait, Kuchiki, what are you doing!" Yelled Hitsugaya.
      Rukia turned and gave a sharp look at her superior.
      "With all due respect Captain, I was not finished."
      "Yes, I believe that we should let her finish, Captain Hitsugaya" Said Byakuya
      Everyone stayed quiet after that, even Matsumoto.  

      3楼2010-10-19 07:35
        "Point Two: I wish for Captain Hitsugaya stop sending his Lieutenant to give me those horrible "anonymous" love letters, I know that it's him, it written in his handwriting.
        "Point Three: I would also wish for a required thirty feet distance between he and I if he were to continue this."

        4楼2010-10-19 07:38
          "I see, is there no way to get you to, change your mind?"
          "I would. If, and only if, he would ask me on a date directly to my face, like a man, instead of tip toeing around like a wimp."

          5楼2010-10-19 07:39
            "Uhm, right now?"
            "Yes, right now."
            Everyone turned to face him.

            6楼2010-10-19 07:39
              "Uhm, Kuchiki can we talk about this outside."
              You could literally see the sweat rolling down his face.
              "Uh, Lieutenant Kuchiki-"
              "Rukia… would you, uh, go on a date with me?"
              She turned to Yamamoto.
              "I would like to drop all charges"
              Rukia then headed back to her spot.
              "Is there nothing else that needs to be addressed?" Said Yamamoto.
              Everyone was quiet.
              "Good, dismissed"
              Everyone filed out of the meeting room.
              "Captain Hitsugaya."
              Toushiro turned around to face, Byakuya Kuchiki.
              "I wish to have a talk with you, in my office, immediately."
              "Yes, Captain Kuchiki."
              Hitsugaya waited until Byakuya was a safe distance away.
              "That girls either going get me killed, or kill me herself."

              7楼2010-10-19 07:40
                end =_,=

                10楼2010-10-19 07:43