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本次更新主要是加强游戏优化和防守方Last Stand机制的变动,比较重要
本贴由阿肯色第三团战队(3d Ark)翻译

IP属地:上海1楼2019-02-28 17:41回复
    - Made further performance improvements tothe particles, With this update on the benchmark, one of our test systems,equipped an Intel i7 6700HQ cpu and a GTX 1070, went from 34.7 FPS to 39.1 FPS.
    -进一步提高了粒子的性能,这次更新后,我们用一台Cpu i7-6700HQ、显卡GTX1070的电脑通过游戏自带benchmark进行了测试,帧数从34.7提升至39.1 FPS。
    - Prevented players from exploiting a knownspeedhack.
    -防止玩家利用已知的speedhack。 (官方终于管作弊了)

    IP属地:上海2楼2019-02-28 17:42
      - Prevented non players from joining thegames TeamSpeak voice chat server.
      - 防止非玩家(观察者模式)加入团队交流语音聊天服务器。
      - Prevented the player from unknowinglyspawning when Last Stand triggers if the player is using the worcam.
      -防止玩家在使用worcam并于Last Stand机制触发时不知不觉地重生。

      IP属地:上海3楼2019-02-28 17:42
        - We are now showing the timer informingthe defenders during last stand to get to the point much sooner than we werebefore.
        -Last Stand状态下的防守方,现在会比以前更早的显示计时通知,让他们更从容地赶到点里。
        - Reduced the desertion timer when leavingthe point of contention as a defender during last stand from 60 to 20 seconds.
        -Last Stand状态下的防守方,离开争夺点后的逃兵倒计时从原本的60秒减少到20秒。

        IP属地:上海4楼2019-02-28 17:42
          - Made the voice chat select the defaultwindows recording or output device if it can no longer find the last selecteddevice, most likely fixing most cases where players are unable to hear thevoice chat.

          IP属地:上海5楼2019-02-28 17:42
            - Made the time of day during midday,slightly more yellow.
            - Made the rain water on the terrainevaporate more slowly.
            - Updated Piper Slave House model.
            -更新了Piper Slave House模型。

            IP属地:上海6楼2019-02-28 17:42
              翻译完毕。本次的Last Stand机制修改是官方听从玩家意见后做出的,通常民权是一周一更,这次来的则比较快,内容也更有意义。

              IP属地:上海7楼2019-02-28 17:46