charitychildren吧 关注:27贴子:125
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【Charity Children】关于他们的


你可能想不到,但他们是a couple,因音乐结缘,年轻的他们却有不平凡的艺术气息,他们向我们演绎的已不再局限于音符,更是一种生活态度,[漫游在欧洲的大街小巷,周围全是暖色调的灯,有点心乱但可以随意坐在路旁的长椅上,天还没有完全亮,潮湿空气中有些许花香,感觉心灵被洗礼,在咖啡店点一杯热气腾腾的摩卡,翻出便签本开始写自己的故事],这或许就是他们的歌带给我的vison,在我看来,他们没把写歌当成一个职业,而是一个情感的表达方式。我不知道这个吧会不会来更多的人,民谣也许注定小众,但我喜欢他们这也就够了。

IP属地:上海来自Android客户端1楼2016-03-20 00:05回复
    Charity Children Berlin are two lovers from New Zealand, who send their melodies flying through the streets of Berlin. Elliot and Chloe fell in love making music together, and they have been a couple ever since. They only play outdoors, on street corners of the city, equipped with small instruments like ukulele, drums, harmonica and accordion. Some of their lyrics are based on 17th century folk songs, others find their inspiration in ancient Maori love poems. All of them are as innocent, tragic, and pretty as their creators.

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端2楼2016-03-20 00:06