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1楼2015-02-02 14:22回复
    When it comes to pay satisfaction, most employees base their desired pay based on consideration of their job duties and of the pay given to comparable colleagues

    2楼2015-02-02 14:23
      Of the five facets of value-percept theory, which facet was the moderately strong driver of job satisfaction but showed the weakest correlation?

      3楼2015-02-02 14:28
        Utilizing ability and experiencing freedom, independence, intellectual stimulation, creative expression, and a sense of achievement are examples of which of the following work value categories?
        work itself

        4楼2015-02-02 14:29
          Based on one study conducted in a college setting, the facets of overall student satisfaction include
          university satisfaction
          housing satisfaction
          leisure satisfaction

          5楼2015-02-02 14:31
            Supervision satisfaction by an employee is based on
            the supervisor's like-ability and the supervisor's ability to help the employee attain valued things

            6楼2015-02-02 14:34
              According to the Job Characteristics theory, the degree to which carrying out the activities required by the job provides the worker with clear information about how well he or she is performing is known as feedback

              7楼2015-02-02 14:37
                According to the Job Characteristics theory, the degree to which employees have strong needs for personal accomplishments or developing themselves beyond where they currently are is known as growth need strengh.

                8楼2015-02-02 14:38
                  According to the Job Characteristics theory, the degree to which employees have strong needs for personal accomplishments or developing themselves beyond where they currently are is known as

                  9楼2015-02-02 14:55
                    Coworker satisfaction by an employee is based on
                    the coworker's like-ability and ability to help the employee attain valued things

                    10楼2015-02-02 15:00
                      According to the Job Characteristics theory, the degree to which the job requires completing a whole, identifiable, piece of work from beginning to end with a visible outcome is known as identity.

                      11楼2015-02-02 15:00
                        According to the Job Characteristics theory, the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, particularly people in the world at large is known as signifiance

                        12楼2015-02-02 15:06
                          Job satisfaction is strongly correlated with normative commitment.

                          13楼2015-02-02 15:09
                            Of the five facets of value-percept theory, which three facets have the strongest influence on overall job satisfaction? Coworker satisfaction, supervision satisfaction, satisfaction with the work itself

                            14楼2015-02-02 15:48
                              Job satisfaction is not correlated with continuance commitment.

                              15楼2015-02-02 15:48