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av1918408, 关于Lar Anderson那个射箭视频-太扯淡了


1 Holding your other arrows in the same hand as your firing hand will help with speed shooting. Cool, but try shooting that fast with a traditional warbow that has 150 pounds draw weight, it is impossible (unless you can swing 150 pound dumbbells like they're cotton balls). That doesn't even account for the "trying to compensate for something" bows that have 200 pound draw weights.
2 The back quiver was NOT a Hollywood myth. back quivers were in historical war manuscripts AND contemporary art for centuries. Same for hip quivers.
3 Archers in the past DID train on stationary targets. Yes there were fancy mechanisms involving ropes and chains for moving targets, but they still practiced on stationary targets some of the time.
4 Hitting a blade so the arrow splits in half would mean your arrow didn't even have a head on it. If it did, that would be steel hitting steel and your knife would have a nasty dint in the edge.
5 Picking up arrows and shooting them back is kind of unlikely. An arrow from a war bow would be driven clean through an unarmored person or maybe 5 inches into a wooden shield. Standing there and struggling to pull it out to fire back is just a bad idea.
6 Grabbing an enemy's arrow and shooting it back was something difficult even for a robotic arm on Mythbusters, and it is ESPECIALLY unlikely using again, fucking war bows with 150 pounds of draw weight.
7 Using 1 hand vs both hands to fire a bow? THAT IS NOT HOW YOU FIRE A FUCKING BOW. Firing a bow properly uses both arms + your upper back, and that is something that all actual archers know from experience. Your back, if anything, is the MOST IMPORTANT muscle group, such that skeletons of British longbowmen were found to have warped spines due to repeated stress from years of archery.
For fuck's sake how am I the only expert here? You are all being duped! Just google Historical European Martial Arts and learn a thing or two.
文章《Danish “Archer” Demonstrates Gullibility of Audience》
@nyplacnew 我真是不明白为何这么多人会认为那种扯淡的“历史”射箭技巧是真的,流言终结者以前做过一期节目证明过用箭矢射开另一只箭矢是不可能的,曾经有人尝试过接住正常弓箭射出的箭矢:最终达到了对射箭者90%的接中率,此时身上被钝箭射得鲜血淋漓,切换射箭者换成别人或者用正常的箭矢的话这个数据会更低

IP属地:加拿大1楼2015-02-02 09:44回复

    IP属地:加拿大2楼2015-02-02 10:39
      @nyplacnew 话说,RWBY的主动画师(负责打斗场面)monty因为过敏反应去世了,年仅33岁,默哀

      IP属地:加拿大3楼2015-02-03 11:00
        @nyplacnew 来,我来跟你说一件蛋疼的事情,我不是之前跟你说我要用的理念和人文主义不谋而合嘛,然后今天我在WIKI上为暮之章查阅资料,然后我找到一个词条叫做posthuman,链接到posthumanism(可译作后人文主义),然后我他喵的发现!他喵的这和我写的玩意基本是一样的!!!也就是说我现在正在制作的这个理念几十年前就有人写过了,当时就是一口老血这种心情你明白吗?!

        IP属地:加拿大4楼2015-02-05 10:54
          顺便我要对Donna Haraway女士表达敬意,她在1991年就已经写下了"Situated Knowledges"。维基上的摘录(除了第一句外和我的想法一模一样):
          In critical theory, the posthuman is a speculative being that represents or seeks to re-conceive the human.
          It is the object of posthumanist criticism, which critically questions Renaissance humanism, a branch of humanist philosophy which claims that human nature is a universal state from which the human beingemerges; human nature is autonomous, rational, capable of free will, and unified in itself as the apex ofexistence. Thus, the posthuman position recognizes imperfectability and disunity within him or herself, and understands the world through heterogeneous perspectives while seeking to maintain intellectual rigourand a dedication to objective observations. Key to this posthuman practice is the ability to fluidly change perspectives and manifest oneself through different identities. The posthuman, for critical theorists of the subject, has an emergent ontology rather than a stable one; in other words, the posthuman is not a singular, defined individual, but rather one who can "become" or embody different identities and understand the world from multiple, heterogeneous perspectives.
          虽然我的笔记上对于这个的表述是look beyond ourselves,但是意思是相似的,我的定义是从更高的角度和作为人的角度来分别看待问题,她的定义则是从各种不同身份的角度来看问题,同时我的笔记上也记下了imperfection这个概念,虽然我更倾向于在实行者本人的不完美上再考虑人类全体的不完美

          IP属地:加拿大5楼2015-02-05 12:41
            @nyplacnew 话说我们昨天玩pathfinder超好笑的,我们队里面那个半身人盗贼Karl就是个逗比,一开始遇到一群半人马不让我上去游说然后欺骗技能丢出一个1,大失败,我们都被拉去和半人马玩起了布兹卡兹Buzkashi,然后卡尔表示我要用伪装技能用鳄鱼皮扮成那头死羊,失败,臭气熏天。

            IP属地:加拿大6楼2015-02-05 13:05
              @nyplacnew av10542,av11481,av351我今天看收藏夹回去翻了翻自己当年做的字幕,想想自己当时(16岁)还真是好笑呢,写出来的东西都是这么一股中二胡扯真善美的气息,看看自己以前收藏的东西想起了很多B站的老UP,很有趣呢,不禁让我笑出来了

              IP属地:加拿大7楼2015-02-16 09:53

                IP属地:加拿大8楼2015-02-18 14:16
                  @nyplacnew 说起来你有空可以去看看关于白求恩的Norman Bethune: A Life of Passionate Conviction这本书,Phoenix : The Life of Norman Bethune虽然很详实但是太死板放弃了。我是刚刚开始翻而已,但已经读了之后我就理解了他生前写作中的愤怒与不甘,这是作为一个人来言的内心的痛苦,来到马拉加后他被迫要决定一群人的命运,过去的价值观变得无用可笑了,我想这才是让他醒悟的时候吧。

                  IP属地:加拿大10楼2015-04-14 11:37