@花落曼珠沙华 @馨香芬芳念你 @夏伤冬碎 @star小黑妹 @鸽子piupiupiu 跨年啰 世界上最远的距离,是我们远隔千年时光,我再也无法追上你。 世界上最近的距离,是我们远隔千年时光,你却一直在我心里。
The furthest distance in the world, it is we're one thousand years apart, I can't catch up with you. The nearest distance in the world, it is we're one thousand years apart, you are always in my heart.
The furthest distance in the world, it is we're one thousand years apart, I can't catch up with you. The nearest distance in the world, it is we're one thousand years apart, you are always in my heart.