Mos Ginza is a new TV program will be on air the first date on Jan 06, 2011 on channel 5 at 23.40 – 00.20 hrs. This is the first time of Mos to be a both MC and producer.
Mos revealed that he works many styles of entertainment but this is the first time to do TV program which is the signature of him. By he is a MC and producer he looks after every process. Style of TV program is everything about eating such as delicious food, what and where the actor, actress like. And some place delicious food but unknown Mos Ginza will be visit and guarantee that the exactly delicious food. Source of this program come from his love to search for delicious food.
Don’t miss to watch “Mos Ginza” on air the first date on Thursday Jan 06, 2011 on channel 5 at 23.40 – 00.20 hrs.