你说的对但是textPos — is an additional offset of the notch text;
distance:p3 = 200, 0, 0 — where the first number is the range correction value for which the notch will be drawn, and the second number indicates the symbol that will display this notch (for the value 0, only a notch without a number is drawn) and the third number is the centering of the notch and its size. A notch can be made of varying length and moved toward or away from the centre of the sight.
distance:p3 = 200, 0, 0 — where the first number is the range correction value for which the notch will be drawn, and the second number indicates the symbol that will display this notch (for the value 0, only a notch without a number is drawn) and the third number is the centering of the notch and its size. A notch can be made of varying length and moved toward or away from the centre of the sight.