The Ultimate (and Slightly Chaotic) Beginer friendly Guide to Setting Up Breaklee Emulator Server
Before We Dive In
Make sure you've got:
- A Computer
- Admin access
- Cabal Online Official Client - KR Server is better as they have the most up-to-date client...
- A stable internet connection
- A sense of humor
Step 1: Gather this Things!
First things first, let's download some programs:
1. Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition:
- Head over to Look for the "Free download" button under Community Edition.
2. AIO Installer:
- Visit Breaklee Discord Server for the link
- Select the main folder and download it as zip
Step 2: Installing Visual Studio 2022..
1. Open VS 2022 installer you just downloaded and double-click it.
2. In the installer, check "Desktop development with C++"
3. Make sure "C++ CMAKE tools for Windows" is ticked.
4. At the bottom right, choose "Install while downloading".
5. Hit "Install" and maybe grab a coffee, call your mom, or contemplate the meaning of life while it installs.
Step 3: Running the AIO Installer (One Script to Rule Them All) not exactly (>.^)..
1. Find that AIO Installer ZIP file you Downloaded earlier...
2. Extract it to your desktop.
3. In the extracted folder, right-click on "runme-as-admin.bat" and pick "Run as administrator".
4. When MariaDB pops up asking for credentials:
- Username: root
- Password: root
(Super secure, I know. It's like using "password" as your password, but hey, we live on the edge!)
5. Let the script do its magic. It's it saves you time and headaches...
- Installing Git (for all your version control needs)
- CMake (because who doesn't love making things complicated?)
- Conan (no, not the barbarian)
- MariaDB (where all your data dreams come true)
- ODBC driver (the unsung hero of database connections)
- Downloading the latest Breaklee repo to a "Breaklee" folder on your desktop.
- Creating a "Svr-Build" folder on your desktop with some config files..
6. When it's done, it'll ask you to restart your PC. Do it! Your computer needs a nap after all that excitement.
Step 4: Conan the Installer (Still Not the Barbarian)
1. After your PC wakes up from its short nap, open PowerShell or Terminal.. It doesn't matter which-witch just not our old guy CMD. You can find it by right-clicking the Start-Menu..
2. Run this command:
Remove-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\. conan2" -Recurse -Force
or head to your C:\YourPcName look for .conan2 delete it, because thanos was right!
but if you did run the hard way don't freak out if it show a Red line of errors. It's just being dramatic.. it indicates that there no .conan2 folder which is what we wanted...
3. Now, let's go to where the magic happens. Type:
cd $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\Breaklee
You're now in the Breaklee folder.
4. Time for some Conan Movies beacuse this will take a while. Run these one by one:
conan profile detect
conan install . --output-folder=Build --build=missing -s build_type=Debug
Wait for this to finish and like I said it will take a while.. Perfect time to question your life choices!.. when the 1st part is done proceed to the nxt command..
conan install . --output-folder=Build --build=missing -s build_type=Release
Step 5: D' CMake
1. Open CMake. For the source code path, choose your Breaklee folder: = C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop\Breaklee
2. Preset: choose "conan defult config"
3. For the build path, C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop\Breaklee\Build -- remove the extra "\build" at the end..
4. Click "Configure". A window will pop up; just hit "Finish". You might see some red errors. Don't panic! We'll fix it.
5. Look for "PREFIX" in the CMake window.
6. Navigate to C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop\Breaklee\Build and select "conan_toolchain.cmake".
7. Click "Generate".
8. Hit "Open Project" to launch Visual Studio 2022.
Step 6: Building in Visual Studio (Where Dreams Come True... Eventually)
1. In Visual Studio, top left find the Build. pick "Build".
2. Now wait for it to fetish i mean finishh
Step 7: The Great File Migration
1. On your desktop, you should see "Breaklee" and "Svr-Build" folders. Open both place thm side by side..
2. From "Breaklee", copy the "Database" folder to "Svr-Build".
3. Now, go to C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop\Breaklee\Build
4. Grab "Script" and "Data" folders from here and drop them into "Svr-Build".
5. One more trip: C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop\Breaklee\Build\Debug
6. Copy everything from this Debug folder to "Svr-Build".
Step 8: Config File
1. In "Svr-Build", you'll see some .ini files open it with Notepad++ (or any text editor, we're not picky)
2. Open LoginSvr.ini.