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复习他以前的漫画,发现outside这玩意儿定义好像不太一样。按超越公司那段,中立区说不定就是outside了吧……然后就是oba那段自白,I am theOne Below All. With these hands I break. With this mouth I howl. I devoured the selves that were here in a time long past. Now there is I. And only I. I am all-powerful. And my weapon is hate. I have made of this a thing of hate. A hollow shell. AHulk. The mystery frightens and disgusts me. I will kill it. Make all hollow as I. Dead and dark as I. And I will bealone.结合defenders beyond,总不能是他还要灭了整个mystery不成

IP属地:河南来自Android客户端1楼2024-10-22 10:07回复
    不过真的这么理解的话,defenders beyond那句这只是你所代表的东西的起点这话说不定其实就是另一种意思了。

    IP属地:河南来自Android客户端2楼2024-10-22 10:24