我们在寻求合作。We are seeking for cooperations.a.香港三眼码(Wonder)印尼收款码(QRIS)泰国收款码 可收银官 澳大利亚pos机(手输)a.QR Code to receive money (Hong Kong & Indonesia & Thailand)available to receive money from bank clerk(official)Australia POS(manual punching)b.有预授权(201)的pos 可放大 可收银官b. POS machine with offline mode (101/201)c.英国lopay商家码【T0】/链接/posc.QR Code/ Links to receive money(British Lopay) pos machine also availabled.澳门pos 泰国pos 印尼pos 巴西pos 远程软件传卡/实体拍卡/其它卡 【有手输功能/支持预授权】d.POS machine from Macau/Thailand/Indonesia/Brazil Tab physical card or Remote for work 【Manual Punching available/pre-auth supported】e.香港 澳门 泰国公户e.Business account from Hong Kong/Macau/Thailand