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When the Early Access version of Robocraft 2 launched on Steam we received thousands of reviews, reactions and comments from fans of Robocraft. Whilst some players liked the new direction we had taken the game in, many many more expected and wanted something much closer to a modern version of the original game.
We took some time. We did some soul-searching. We reread every single review, word by word, considering again all the feedback we had received about the game from all of our social channels. We also looked at the stats. After all of that, we made the very tough decision to rebuild the game, from the ground up, to be much closer to a modern version of the original game. This time though, we want to build the foundations that can support a bigger game (in time) with lots of varied gameplay options, particularly introducing engaging and varied solo and co-op online PVE on top of the team PVP elements.
Robocraft 2.1 FeaturesWe wanted to give some more information on what features will be present in Robocraft 2.1:
Building Systems
The core building system will stay true to OG but with modern graphics, animation, sound effects and polish - a key aim will be to make the building feel polished and satisfying.
We will have Tiered blocks back and each tier will look visually different so we won’t be forced to colour them to indicate tier, instead allowing users to be able to use the colours they wish for cosmetic purposes.
Colour mode will let you choose from a full RBG spectrum (16 million colours) and will utilize the 6-colour palette system we created for Robocraft 2, though we will upgrade this to allow players to create their own custom palettes where they can apply as they wish.
Functional blocks like Wheels and Weapons will utilize the familiar systems from OG where internal wiring is automated for rapid building and iteration.
We’ll be making sure that where you position the parts and how you stack them will affect the performance characteristics of your robocraft, so although building new robocraft and iterating will be fairly quick the choices you make will always make a difference (e.g. “old-wings” not “new-wings”).
All staple QoL features will exist such as Mirror mode, Undo, Redo, Shifting, CoM indicator, etc.
There will be a unified CPU limit (no separate Weapon CPU) and a cosmetic CPU limit for cosmetics.
Robot Rank and Tiers will return, with the familiar Tier meter coming back in the HUD.
All HUD UI will feel familiar to the original games but will be polished to meet modern graphical quality standards and expected layouts.
The Build Bay will be rebuilt with beautiful graphics and we will make the consoles and screens that appear within the bay functional and interactive.
Overall, our building systems will aim to engage players in the Build Drive Fight loop, with new players able to build their own working robocraft and get into online gameplay within a relatively short period of time and for them to learn quickly and intuitively how to iterate and evolve their designs through each cycle of the loop.
There will be a back door in the build bay, which will be closed, but one day we hope to open it up and let you walk around as Cray out into a new larger mothership (called The Vanguard) and meet other players akin to a character hub.
Not everything will be the same as OG. Some things worked really well in OG and some other things could have been better so we will always aim to improve those areas that can be improved upon.
Transitions to Gameplay
We want to ensure that transitions into and out of Test Mode are as near instantaneous and smooth as possible to support a fast and satisfying iteration loop when testing robocraft designs.
We want to focus on short queue times and short loading into online gameplay, keeping you connected to servers you have chosen to play on, so after a round of gameplay or an iteration of your robocraft you can hop back in quickly with minimal loading or waiting.
We hope that all this can help to make the Build Drive Fight iteration loop fun, satisfying and engaging.
The Server Technology
We will use the Robocraft 2 server technology as a base, but by moving to the OG building system we can simulate your (less physically complex) robocraft both on your client and the server. This allows us to give you low latency responsiveness for driving and aiming regardless of your ping to the server. Simulating both on the client (your robocraft) and server (everything) will allow the server to remain authoritative on the overall game state ensuring it is extremely difficult to hack and helping with fairness in PVP gameplay.
The OG building system allows us to get more out of our new Robocraft 2 server tech which can allow us to have more units in battle (e.g. for larger teams in Elimination). The OG building system should be more friendly on the client FPS side too (better FPS for you all).
One of the most exciting things we can look to exploit for the first time properly in a Robocraft game is AI on the servers. We can use this to help onboard players in PVP as they progress through the lower Tiers (with higher Tiers featuring more experienced human players).
Probably the most exciting element is the way we can use AI to introduce solo PVE and co-op PVE gameplay to Robocraft for the first time.
Online Gameplay
We would like to introduce a World Map [bringing to life for the first time an interactive version of the large screen that always existed in the OG Build Bay]. This world map will allow you to choose which planet to play on and where on the planet to deploy to and these choices will determine what type of gameplay you will get.
Some locations on the World Map can be unlocked as players progress helping to onboard new players and provide other layers of progression.
PVP game modes will of course exist, also accessed via the World Map. Game modes like Elimination (with OG team sizes), Battle Arena, Deathmatch, The Pit, and new modes can all potentially exist.
To focus players on specific modes and planets to ensure both shorter queue times and improved matchmaking in all PVP game modes we can hold events on specific planet locations at specific times for greater rewards.
Tiered locations on the planets can provide a range of PVE mission types to overcome, with tough enemies with unique AI behaviours.
When you are out in the PVE parts of the world you will encounter other players who are also doing missions and fighting PVE in those same spaces so it can feel a bit like an MMO.
Some locations can offer difficult Party-only PVE missions which only top-level players working effectively together may be able to overcome.
This PVE gameplay also allows us to explore adding lore and story into the game.
The use of AI can potentially provide new ways for Boss Fights and Megabots to make a return in some way, both as enemy combatants and in gameplay where you can play in those larger forms.
We would add layers of progression systems, some of which are more focused on the PVE side of the game (where some PVE-focused progression bonuses are removed for some PVP modes to ensure fair matches).
The Build Bay will start smaller than in OG and users will be able to upgrade it to make it larger by playing the game.
The CPU limit will also be able to be upgraded.
The Tech Tree will be re-introduced akin to OG to unlock the blue-print to craft parts in the Block Forge. Players will earn XP, level up and acquire TP to progress on the Tech Tree.
Resources (such as Robits) gathered from PVE and PVP gameplay can be used to craft individual blocks with higher Tiers offering greater resources and higher-tiered parts having a greater resource requirement to forge.
We plan to look at adding more progression elements to allow players to become more powerful beyond T10 in PVE gameplay, possibly being required to attempt the toughest Party-only missions.
Cube ManipulatorThe Cube Manipulator was used to place blocks in the build bay. We’ve been working on improving the visual quality of this weapon for Robocraft 2.1. Check out a work-in-progress render below:

IP属地:广东1楼2024-02-21 16:01回复
    当《Robocraft 2》抢先体验版在 Steam 上推出时,我们收到了来自 Robocraft 粉丝的数千条评价、反应和评论。 虽然一些玩家喜欢我们为游戏带来的新方向,但更多的人期待并想要更接近原始游戏的现代版本。
    我们花了一些时间。 我们做了一些反省。 我们逐字重读每一条评论,再次考虑从所有社交渠道收到的有关游戏的所有反馈。 我们还查看了统计数据。 毕竟,我们做出了一个非常艰难的决定,从头开始重建游戏,以更接近原始游戏的现代版本。 不过这一次,我们希望建立一个基础,能够支持更大的游戏(及时),并提供多种游戏选项,特别是在团队 PVP 元素之上引入引人入胜且多样化的单人和合作在线 PVE。
    Robocraft 2.1 功能我们想提供有关 Robocraft 2.1 中将提供哪些功能的更多信息:
    颜色模式将让您从完整的 RBG 光谱(1600 万种颜色)中进行选择,并将利用我们为 Robocraft 2 创建的 6 色调色板系统,不过我们将对其进行升级,以允许玩家创建自己的自定义调色板,他们可以将其应用为 他们希望。
    像轮子和武器这样的功能块将利用 OG 中熟悉的系统,其中内部布线是自动化的,以便快速构建和迭代。
    我们将确保您放置零件的位置以及如何堆叠它们将影响您的机器人飞行器的性能特征,因此,尽管构建新的机器人飞行器和迭代会相当快,但您所做的选择总是会产生影响(例如“旧的” -wings”而不是“new-wings”)。
    所有主要的 QoL 功能都将存在,例如镜像模式、撤消、重做、移动、CoM 指示器等。
    机器人等级和等级将回归,熟悉的等级仪表将重新出现在 HUD 中。
    所有 HUD UI 都会感觉与原始游戏相似,但将进行打磨以满足现代图形质量标准和预期布局。
    总体而言,我们的建筑系统旨在让玩家参与“Build Drive Fight”循环,新玩家能够在相对较短的时间内建造自己的工作机器人并进入在线游戏,并让他们快速直观地学习如何迭代 并通过循环的每个周期改进他们的设计。
    建造舱里会有一个后门,它会关闭,但有一天我们希望打开它,让你像克雷一样走进一艘新的更大的母舰(称为先锋号),并与其他玩家见面,就像 角色中心。
    并不是所有的事情都会和 OG 一样。 有些事情在 OG 中运作得非常好,而其他一些事情本来可以做得更好,所以我们将始终致力于改进那些可以改进的领域。
    我们希望专注于缩短在线游戏的排队时间和加载时间,使您能够连接到您选择玩的服务器,因此在一轮游戏或机器人工艺迭代之后,您可以以最少的加载或等待快速返回 。
    我们希望所有这些都能帮助让 Build Drive Fight 迭代循环变得有趣、令人满意和引人入胜。
    我们将使用 Robocraft 2 服务器技术作为基础,但通过转移到 OG 构建系统,我们可以在客户端和服务器上模拟您的(物理上不太复杂的)robocraft。 这使我们能够为您提供低延迟的驾驶和瞄准响应能力,无论您对服务器的 ping 操作如何。 在客户端(你的机器人)和服务器(一切)上进行模拟将使服务器在整个游戏状态上保持权威,确保极难被黑客攻击,并有助于 PVP 游戏的公平性。
    OG 构建系统使我们能够从新的 Robocraft 2 服务器技术中获得更多收益,这可以让我们在战斗中拥有更多单位(例如,在淘汰赛中为更大的团队)。 OG 构建系统在客户端 FPS 方面也应该更加友好(为大家提供更好的 FPS)。

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2024-02-21 16:08

      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端3楼2024-02-21 16:10

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端4楼2024-02-21 16:11
          虽然许多团队正在努力重建的第一个可玩版本,但我们的艺术家一直在继续努力重建OG Robocraft块,使其达到2024标准!看看下面的T1和T2激光器还有车轮

          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端5楼2024-02-21 16:16

            IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端7楼2024-02-21 17:45

              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端8楼2024-02-21 17:58

                IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端9楼2024-02-22 08:40

                  IP属地:英国来自Android客户端10楼2024-02-22 11:43

                    IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端11楼2024-02-22 12:53
                      靠 我觉得二代的建筑系统挺好的啊 居然不做了 那不玩了

                      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端12楼2024-02-22 18:03

                        IP属地:广西来自Android客户端13楼2024-02-22 21:43

                          IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端14楼2024-02-23 16:41

                            IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端15楼2024-02-28 12:37