Fuel Injection Kits & EFI Systems: Injector Nozzle,Injection Pump Elements, Delivery Valve, Common Rail Nozzle, Control valve for CR injectors Bosch/Denso/Delphi,VE Feed Pumps, Cam plate, Injector Pump Repair Kit, Pencil Fuel Injector, VEPump Assembly and more.
We hereby sincerely invite you and your companyrepresentatives to visit our booth at D236 in Hall A1, We look forward toseeing you there!

On behalf of China-Lutong Parts Plant, Wehereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our boothat The 133st China Import and Export Fair from 15th April to the 19th April2023. Our information about this event is as follows, DEZGK po@china-lutong.net
China-Lutong is one of the most importantChinese companies in the distribution and manufacturing of parts, components,and equipment for diesel fuel injection systems. Based on the principle ofhonesty, credibility and mutual benefit, our company always adhere to promotemutual advantage by joint efforts.
We hereby sincerely invite you and your companyrepresentatives to visit our booth at D236 in Hall A1, We look forward toseeing you there!

On behalf of China-Lutong Parts Plant, Wehereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our boothat The 133st China Import and Export Fair from 15th April to the 19th April2023. Our information about this event is as follows, DEZGK po@china-lutong.net
China-Lutong is one of the most importantChinese companies in the distribution and manufacturing of parts, components,and equipment for diesel fuel injection systems. Based on the principle ofhonesty, credibility and mutual benefit, our company always adhere to promotemutual advantage by joint efforts.