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"I will only react to constructive suggestions!"
July 03, 2022, 02:51:48 AM
2022 年 7 月 3 日 02:51:48 上午
The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
早期课程:赛斯材料第 8 卷
SESSION 340 会议340
1967 年 5 月 10 日,星期三 晚上 9 点
your environment and the conditions of your life at any given time are the direct result of your own expectations. You form physical materializations of these realities within your own mind.
If you would have good health, if you would have good health for the child, then you must imagine this as vividly as, in fear, you imagine the opposite.
You create many of your own difficulties, if not all of them. This is true for all individuals. The inner psychological state is projected outward, gaining physical reality.
Quite literally, you see what you want to see, and you see your own thoughts, your own emotional attitudes, materialized in physical form.
Now if you would change an individual, change your thoughts toward him, and changes will appear in the sense data world.
Now: you must understand, for one thing, that telepathy operates constantly at a subconscious level. If you continually expect any individual to behave in a particular manner, then you are constantly sending him telepathic suggestions that he will do so. Every individual reacts to suggestion. According then to the specific conditions existing at the time, such an individual will to some extent or another act according the mass suggestions he has received.
These mass suggestions include not only those given to him by others, both verbally and telepathically, but also those suggestions that he has given to himself while in the waking or dream states. If individual A is in a period of despondency, then this is because he has already become prey to negative suggestions of his own and others. If now you see him and think that he looks miserable—or that he is an incurable drunk—then indeed these suggestions are picked up by him subconsciously though you have not spoken a word, and in his already weakened condition, they will be accepted and acted upon.
If, on the other hand, thinking of him under the same conditions, you stop yourself and say gently to yourself: he will begin to feel better now—or his drinking is temporary—and there is indeed hope here, then you have given him aid, for the suggestions will at least represent some small telepathic ammunition to fight off the war of despondency.
There are obviously ways in which you can mold your own conditions, protect yourself from your own negative suggestions and those given to you by others. You must immediately erase a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite.
If you think, "I have a headache," and if you do not replace this suggestion by a positive one, then you are automatically suggesting that the body set up those conditions that will result in the continuation of the malady. You may take a break and we shall continue shortly. I will give you a commercial that is better than your Excedrin, you see. The short headache. We shall tell you how to have none at all.
如果你想,“我头痛”,并且如果你不用积极的建议来代替这一建议,那么你就自动暗示身体设置了那些将导致疾病持续存在的条件。您可以休息一下,我们很快就会继续。我会给你一个比你的 Excedrin 更好的广告,你看。短暂的头痛。我们将告诉你如何完全没有。
(9:35 break. Jane's eyes were open at times, her pace good.
(9:45 resume.) (9:45 恢复。)
Now: You are not listening to what your own inner voice says. You are listening to what your ego says, and this I speaks through your mouth and then you hear this I's words. But these are not the words of the whole self. These are merely the words of the one part of the self with which you are most acquainted.
You must learn to listen to the voice of your inner self, for if you know the use you are to this man, you do not recognize the nature of his use to you.
You have built defenses so strongly that you have not heard the voice of the inner self. The inner self is hardly to be feared. You have allowed the ego to become a counterfeit self, and you take its word because you will not hear the muffled voice that is within you speak.
You have been examining others, rather than examining the self. What you see of others is the materialization of what you think , subconsciously, that you are: not necessarily what you are. For example: if others seem deceitful to you it is because you deceive yourself and then project this outward onto others.
These are simply examples now. If an individual sees only evil and desolation in the physical world, it is because he is obsessed with evil and desolation and projects them outward and closes his eyes to all else. If you want to know what you think of yourself, then ask yourself what you think of others, and you will find your answer.
This is, of course, on a subconscious basis. Another example only: a very industrious individual thinks the majority of mankind are lazy and good for nothing. No one would ever think of calling him lazy or good for nothing, yet this may be precisely his own subconscious picture of himself, against which he drives himself incessantly, all in an effort to prove that his erroneous self-image is, indeed, wrong. And all without realizing his basic concept of himself and without recognizing the fact that he projects it outward onto others.
True self-knowledge is indispensable for health or vitality, and this means in every instance. The recognition of the truth about the self means that you must first discover what you think about yourself subconsciously. If this is a good image, build upon it. If it is a poor one, recognize it as simply the opinion of the subconscious and not as a definite truth.
The subconscious has its opinions as the ego does.
It is important that you all realize the ways in which your attitudes and feelings affect others through telepathic workings, and the ways in which the smallest thought affects your own emotions, and the physical condition of your image.
For our guest: you should tell yourself frequently, "I will only react to constructive suggestions," for this gives you some protection against your own negative thoughts and those of others. You can observe these laws in operation where you work and also, privately, when you are alone. A negative thought, if it is not erased, will almost certainly result in a negative situation, a momentary despondency, a headache, according to the original intensity of the thought.
Now: if you find yourself saying to yourself: "I have a headache," you must immediately say "That is in the past. Now in this new moment, this new present, I am already feeling better." Then immediately turn your attention away from your physical condition entirely. Concentrate upon something pleasant, or begin another task.
In this way you are no longer suggesting to the body that it reproduce headache conditions. The exercise may be repeated.
Re: "I will only react to constructive suggestions!"
I've revisited some of the results of a search for "constructive suggestions". I found them quite informative.
"The ego simply cannot judge, as a rule, whether an action is a constructive or an impeding one, for the personality as a whole.
It can judge whether an action is a constructive or an impeding one for itself. Upon many occasions the purposes of the ego coincide with the purposes of the whole personality, but upon many occasions the purposes of the ego do not coincide with the best purposes of the whole personality. And in such cases the ego is not equipped to judge, except for itself."
—TES4 Session 163 June 21, 1965
—TES4 第 163 场,1965 年 6 月 21 日
"The inner self here, through intuitive insight, can usually recognize whether an action is an impeding or a constructive one for the purposes of the personality involved. Even an action which appears blatantly as an impeding action, may temporarily serve as a constructive one. It may then turn into an impeding action.
An illness, as an impeding action for example, may nevertheless be a constructive action at any given time, in that it may prevent action within the personality from following more destructive actions. When this destructive possibility has passed however, an illness that is still maintained would therefore become a definite impeding action; for any seemingly impeding action cannot be judged alone, but in the context of other action elements of which any given personality is involved."
—TES4 Session 163 June 21, 1965
—TES4 第 163 场,1965 年 6 月 21 日
"This is the ideal circumstance, for when this is the case then the ego listens to the inner self, and then directs its energy outward in a way that is beneficial for the whole gestalt framework. What you call negative suggestions are often judgments of the ego, for suggestion works from the ego to the subconscious, as well as it works the other way around. Such suggestions made by the ego can indeed be caught, and positive or constructive suggestions given to replace them.
However, automatic responses can also be set up, so that only constructive suggestions are reacted to. In such instances however, the inner self should be allowed to make the judgment ultimately, as to which suggestions are constructive and which are not."
—TES4 Session 163 June 21, 1965
—TES4 第 163 场,1965 年 6 月 21 日

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