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原文中所有“Period.” 的意思都是“ 句号”,不是“就是如此”


(Long pause at 12:06.) Because you are physical creatures even your dreams must be translated through the reality of your flesh. En masse and through the methods I have described, you help form a physical reality in which, however, each experience is unique, period.
(12:06 处长时间停顿。)因为你们是物质生物,所以甚至你们的梦也必须通过你们肉体的现实来转化。通过集体努力和我所描述的方法,你们共同创造了一个物质现实,然而,在这个现实中,每一次体验都是独一无二的,句号。
In the same way each of you form an overall dream world in which there is some general agreement, comma, but in which each experience is original. The dream world has its reaches as the physical one does. In waking reality, beliefs take time before their materialization is apparent. From infinite probable acts, comma, only one can be physically experienced as a rule, period.
The dream world operates as a creative situation in which probable acts are instantly materialized, laid out in actual or symbolic form. From these you then choose the most appropriate for physical expression. There are other important reasons for dreaming, but here we will confine ourselves to this particular issue and to the dream landscape itself, period.
(Louder and humorously:) I hope you enjoy the punctuation.
(12:15. “It’s beautiful.”)
It is only because you seem to expect dream experience to be like daily life that you find so many dreams chaotic. Normally a tree does not change into a peacock, for example. If you remember such a dream event, comma, it seems meaningless in the morning.
Now that is enough. We will end our session.
(“All right. Good night, Seth.” End at 12:23 a.m.
(“好的。晚安,赛斯。”凌晨 12:23 结束。
(Since break Seth had taken to calling out more periods, commas, and other such indicia than he usually does, so I included a few examples. He’s indicated this kind of punctuation throughout the book, but is usually more concerned about words to be underlined, or put in quotes or parentheses. See the notes following the 610th session in Chapter One.
(自从休息以来,赛斯开始比平时喊出更多的句点、逗号和其他此类标记,所以我举了一些例子。他在整本书中都指出了这种标点符号,但通常更关心要划线的单词,或放入引号或括号。请参阅第一章第 610 次会话之后的注释。
这个从罗手稿和最终版差异(https://sethresearchproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/NatureofPersonalRealityComp.pdf)看更明显,手稿里到处都是 “period”,比如:
Love perceives the grace in another [(period)].
mix and merge, and rearrange perception and experience [(period)].
{you will} not kill yourself [(period)].
into feelings of joy and victory [(period)].
They go hand in hand with your intellect [(period)].
so will your [(in quotes)] “automatic” experience conform [(period)].
even social improvements will be (in quotes) “invisible” – not noticed (period).
[] 里是手稿有最终版没有的内容。

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