单独的的英文释义: individual only sole singlehanded separate assoluta 单独的的英文例句: 主枝的两半长分形,各自形成单独的树。 The two halves have grown apart, forming separate trees. 有些团体如卫理公会和圣公会,都有比较强有力的中央组织。在公理会等其他教内部,各个单独的会所都是相对独立的。 Some groups such as the Methodists and Episcopalians have a rather strong central organization; within other groups such as the Congregationalists, each individual church is relatively independent. 立领可以作为单独的一个单独的带子剪下来,或者也可以和领子一起剪下来。 The stand may be cut out as a separate band or cut in one piece with the collar. 那样你应该把他们单独的实例当作单独的对象。