秋言物语吧 关注:27贴子:660
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秋言物语 Ⅱ 38 道高一尺,魔高一丈



如何绽放?在我当时有限的认知里,我认为就是可以随心所欲地不断去探索新鲜有趣的事物。现在想来,这种想法很有偏颇,有坠入危险境地的苗头。如果继续不明真理,由着自己沿着错误的知见走下去, 后果将不堪设想。我也确实走到过种种绝境,陷入烦闷中而无法解脱。
When I was a child, I watched “model operas” (the entire nation was watching the Eight Model Operas in the late 60s). In Red Lantern, Hatoyama, the Japanese devil, and Li Yuhe, the anti-Japanese hero, had a debate on something like: “As virtue lifts one foot, vice lifts ten.” I was confUsed at that time. Shouldn't it be “As vice lifts one foot, virtue lifts ten?” Didn't justice always prevail over evil? I came to understand that sentence after I founded my company almost 40 years later.
I studied the Classics while reflecting on the company's growth, solving problems, and extending my network. I reflected on myself, on others, on China, on the world——and the universe. As the company encountered difficulties, my thinking veered closer to what was true. The writings of the sages helped me to a correct perception and a capacity for judgement, which in turn benefitted the company. One of my friends said that once he began to study the Classics, he decided to do good deeds and to live with a kind disposition. After that, many more difficulties appeared in his life. His experience is reflected in “As virtue lifts one foot, vice lifts ten”. Vice always tries to prevail; that's how we keep improving ourselves. Vice is like a big mountain. Whenever we think we are close to the peak, it gets higher still, and all we can do is to keep climbing and face the challenge. In doing so, we become more capable.
For those of us walking on this path, tribulations and hardships are opportunities. We can confront the demons and defeat them. The existence of demons permits us to see kindness——and a way to success. There is no doubt in my mind that achievements bring greater challenges. Then virtue lifts another foot, and vice another ten. That is the endless circle we live inside. It keeps us forging forward into the hardships that lie before us for greater success.

1楼2023-05-30 17:37回复