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英文翻译贴:猎魔人卷一:最后愿望(白狼崛起)The Last Wish


理性之声 1
She came to him towards morning.
Sheentered very carefully, moving silently, floating through the chamber like aphantom; the only sound was that of her mantle brushing her naked skin. Yetthis faint sound was enough to wake the witcher – or maybe it only tore himfrom the half-slumber in which he rocked monotonously , as though travellingthrough fathomless depths, suspended between the sea bed and its calm surfaceamidst gently undulating strands of seaweed.
Hedid not move, did not stir. The girl flitted closer, threw off her mantle andslowly, hesitantly, rested her knee on the edge of the large bed. He observedher through lowered lashes, still not betraying his wakefulness. The girlcarefully climbed onto the bedclothes, and onto him, wrapping her thighs aroundhim. Leaning forward on straining arms, she brushed his face with hair whichsmelt of chamomile. Determined, and as if impatient, she leant over and touchedhis eyelids, cheeks, lips with the tips of her breasts. He smiled, very slowly,delicately, grasping her by the shoulders, and she straightened, escaping hisfingers. She was radiant, luminous in the misty brilliance of dawn. He moved,but with pressure from both hands, she forbade him to change position and, witha light but decisive movement of her hips, demanded a response.
Heresponded. She no longer backed away from his hands; she threw her head back,shook her hair. Her skin was cool and surprisingly smooth. Her eyes, glimpsedwhen her face came close to his, were huge and dark as the eyes of a waternymph.
Rocked,he sank into a sea of chamomile as it grew agitated and seethed.

IP属地:澳大利亚1楼2023-01-02 19:00回复

    IP属地:澳大利亚2楼2023-01-02 19:03
      Later, it was said the man came from thenorth, from Ropers Gate. He came on foot, leading hisladen horse by the bridle. It was late afternoon and the ropers’, saddlers’,and tanners’ stalls were already closed, the street empty. It was hot but theman had a black coat thrown over his shoulders. He drew attention to himself.
      Hestopped in front of The Old Narakort Inn, stood there fora moment, listened to the hubbub (喧哗) of voices. Asusual, at this hour, it was full of people.
      Thestranger did not enter the Old Narakort. He pulled his horse further down thestreet to another tavern, a smaller one, called The Fox. Not enjoying the bestof reputations, it was almost empty.
      Theinnkeeper raised his head above a barrel of pickled cucumbers and measured theman with his gaze. The outsider, still in his coat, stood stiffly in front ofthe counter, motionless and silent.
      ‘Whatwill it be?’
      ‘Beer,’said the stranger. His voice was unpleasant.
      Theinnkeeper wiped his hands on his canvas apron and filled a chipped (有缺口的) earthenware tankard.
      Thestranger was not old but his hair was almost entirely white. Beneath his coathe wore a worn leather jerkin laced up at the neck and shoulders.
      Ashe took off his coat those around him noticed that he carried a sword – notsomething unusual in itself, nearly every man in Wyzimcarried a weapon – but no one carried a sword strapped to his back as if itwere a bow or a quiver.
      Thestranger did not sit at the table with the few other guests. He remainedstanding at the counter, piercing the innkeeper with his gaze. He drew from thetankard.
      ‘I’mlooking for a room for the night.’
      ‘There’snone,’ grunted the innkeeper, looking at the guest’s boots, dusty and dirty.‘Ask the Old Narakort.’
      ‘Iwould rather stay here.’
      ‘Thereis none.’ The innkeeper finally recognized the stranger’s accent. He was Rivian.
      ‘I’llpay.’ The outsider spoke quietly, as if unsure, and the whole nasty affairbegan. A pockmarked beanpole of a man who, from the moment the outsider hadentered had not taken his gloomy eyes from him, got up and approached thecounter. Two of his companions rose behind him. No more than two paces away.
      ‘There’sno room to be had, you Rivian vagabond,’ rasped the pockmarked man, standingright next to the counter. ‘We don’t need people like you in Wyzim. This is adecent town!’
      Theoutsider took his tankard and moved away. He glanced at the innkeeper, whoavoided his eyes. It did not even occur to him to defend the Rivian. After all,who like Rivians?
      ‘AllRivians are thieves,’ the pock-marked man went on, his breath smelling of beer,garlic and anger. ‘Do you hear me, you bastard?’
      ‘Hecan’t hear you. His ears are full of shit,’ said one of the men with him, andthe second man cackled.
      ‘Payand leave!’ yelled the pocked man.
      Onlynow did the Rivian look at him.

      IP属地:澳大利亚3楼2023-01-02 19:08