盐和避难所吧 关注:18,596贴子:161,856
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盐与牺牲补丁 机器翻译


- PVP支付与当前角色等级更加一致。白银奖励增加。
- 变成一个单词的玩家有 4 秒的无敌帧。
- 随时间的伤害攻击可以在不受到伤害的情况下被招架。
- 格挡现在部分格挡随着时间的推移受到的伤害攻击。- 玩家总是会补充最少数量的烧瓶和弹药,即使他们没有制作它们的材料。金额是升级前的值。
- 在 Pardoner's Vale 中冲刺和躲闪不再消耗体力以允许更快的穿越。
- 困惑减益在 PVP 中需要更多的命中才能触发。
- 物品掉落现在会在破碎时从平台掉落。
- 更高或更低 NG+ 等级的玩家配对现在将看到适当的伤害和老板生命值。
- 修复了一个错误,该错误可能导致玩家在被扭曲到 Boss 战时受到跌落伤害。
- 增加了力晶环效果。
- 大地尖刺符文艺术伤害增加。
- 修复了有时会进入不败boss竞技场的暗影术士边猎。
- 修复了影响超宽显示器的竞技场摄像机问题。
- 灼热忏悔者的攻击现在会影响玩家的火力防御。
- 修正了 kineto 靴子动画。
- 修复了技能树中的崩溃。此补丁已针对 PC 发布。控制台补丁将很快推出。
请注意,您只能与相同游戏版本的玩家进行匹配。 (已编辑)

IP属地:加拿大1楼2022-05-23 22:14回复

    IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端2楼2022-05-24 13:25

      IP属地:福建来自Android客户端3楼2022-05-24 13:30

        IP属地:四川来自Android客户端4楼2022-05-24 17:01
          **Salt and Sacrifice Patch**
          - Partial stamina regeneration during hit animations to reduce stunlocking.
          - PVP payout is more consistent with the current character level. Silver rewards increased.
          - Players warping into a word have 4 seconds of invulnerability frames.
          - Damage over time attacks can be parried without taking damage.
          - Blocking now partially blocks incoming damage over time attacks.
          - Players will always replenish a minimum number of flasks and ammunition even if they don’t have the materials to craft them. The amounts are the pre-upgraded values.
          - Sprinting and dodge rolling in Pardoner’s Vale no longer consumes stamina to allow faster traversal.
          - Confusion debuffs take more hits to proc in PVP.
          - Item drops will now fall through a platform when it breaks.
          - Players matchmaking in a higher or lower NG+ level will now see proper damage and boss HP.
          - Fixed a bug that could result in a player taking fall damage when being warped to a boss fight.
          - Increased forcecrystal ring effect.
          - Earth Spikes runic art damage increased.
          - Fixed the umbramancer side hunt sometimes entering an undefeated boss arena.
          - Fixed an arena camera issue that affected ultrawide displays.
          - The Searing Confessor’s attack now factors in the player’s fire defense.
          - Fixed kineto boots animation.
          - Fixed a crash in the skill tree.
          This patch has been released for PC. Console patches will follow soon.
          Please note that you can only matchmake with players of the same game version.

          IP属地:加拿大来自iPhone客户端5楼2022-05-25 00:59