Thank you for purchasing "PROJECT ZERO / FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water".
We would like to inform you that the following problem is currently occurring.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and ask you to please wait as we work on resolving the problem.
We will notify you of the update schedule as soon as it is finalized.
1: The game may be out of sync when using a high-spec monitor.
When playing on a 144Hz monitor, it has been confirmed that the game speeds up the video, audio, and subtitles during events become out of sync.
If you are experiencing this issue, as a temporary solution, please try to limit the FPS to 60 using the software function of your graphics board, or change the "Refresh Rate" in the "Advanced Display Settings" of your PC.
Thank you for your continuous support.
感谢您购买“PROJECT ZERO /致命的框架:少女的黑色水”。
当在144 hz监视器,它被证实,游戏加速的视频,音频和字幕在事件变得不同步。
如果你正在经历这个问题,作为一个临时的解决方案,请尽量限制FPS 60使用你的图形板的软件功能,或改变“刷新率”“先进的显示设置”,你的电脑。
We would like to inform you that the following problem is currently occurring.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and ask you to please wait as we work on resolving the problem.
We will notify you of the update schedule as soon as it is finalized.
1: The game may be out of sync when using a high-spec monitor.
When playing on a 144Hz monitor, it has been confirmed that the game speeds up the video, audio, and subtitles during events become out of sync.
If you are experiencing this issue, as a temporary solution, please try to limit the FPS to 60 using the software function of your graphics board, or change the "Refresh Rate" in the "Advanced Display Settings" of your PC.
Thank you for your continuous support.
感谢您购买“PROJECT ZERO /致命的框架:少女的黑色水”。
当在144 hz监视器,它被证实,游戏加速的视频,音频和字幕在事件变得不同步。
如果你正在经历这个问题,作为一个临时的解决方案,请尽量限制FPS 60使用你的图形板的软件功能,或改变“刷新率”“先进的显示设置”,你的电脑。