=> Error while sending command 'bridge add_nio_ethernet 2ad7cf02-9ea1-4155-9341-f26014acffb2-0 "\Device\NPF_{08151E93-79DC-469B-84E0-60F8E54CF96F}"': unable to create NIO Ethernet for bridge '2ad7cf02-9ea1-4155-9341-f26014acffb2-0': uBridge version 0.9.13 running with WinPcap version 4.1.3 (网页链接 version, based on libpcap version 1.0 branch 1_0_rel0b (20091008)
Hypervisor TCP control server started (IP 网页链接 port 59842).
UDP tunnel connecting from local port 10001 to IPv4 addresss 网页链接 on port 10000
nio_ethernet_open: unable to open device '\Device\NPF_{08151E93-79DC-469B-84E0-60F8E54CF96F}': Error opening adapter: ϵͳ�Ҳ���ָ�����豸�� (20)
Hypervisor TCP control server started (IP 网页链接 port 59842).
UDP tunnel connecting from local port 10001 to IPv4 addresss 网页链接 on port 10000
nio_ethernet_open: unable to open device '\Device\NPF_{08151E93-79DC-469B-84E0-60F8E54CF96F}': Error opening adapter: ϵͳ�Ҳ���ָ�����豸�� (20)