It’s been exactly one year since George Floyd was murdered at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. Today, we remember him — as a father, a brother, a son, a
@KingJames fan, a mentor. No one is saying he was perfect but, who is?? What we need to remember is that he was human. It’s so crucial to continue to demand justice for him and the entire Black community in the US, who too often, are affected by police brutality. Over the last year, some powerful voices that I really respect and admire have taken over my platform to talk about what investing in community and public safety SHOULD look like. I’m going to share some of these platforms and profiles below, so they’re all in one place. Please follow them, and keep checking in to learn more about how we can each take real steps towards reducing police violence around the country. My hope is that we continue to hold each other accountable - and educate ourselves. There should be no room for racism, or hate, or violence in our world. And there is no way to justify murder. Rest in Power, George Floyd. Resources and accounts to follow: @colorofchange
@byp100 @blackfutureslab @blklivesmatter @naacp @policingequity @osopepatrisse @iamrashadrobinson @chasinggarza @tiffanydloftin