odd integer/number 奇数
even integer/number 偶数
consecutive even integers 连续偶数
consecutive odd integers 连续奇数
prime number 质数
composite number 合数
prime factorization质因数分解
greatest common divisor (gcd) 最大公约数
least common multiple (1cm) 最小公倍数
subtract from 从…减…
in equivalent to 与…相等
round to/off ,to the nearest 四舍五入
decimal point 小数点
infinite decimal 无穷小数
terminating decimal 有限小数
scientific notation 科学记数法
radical sign/root sign 根号
square root 平方根
cube root 立方根
the nth power of k k的n次方(k^n)
absolute value 绝对值
A multiplied by B A乘以B
A divided by B A/B
twice as many A as B A是B的两倍
the ratio of A to B is A比B
a diminished by B/A minus B /from A subtract B A减去B
arithmetic mean 算术平均数
weighted average/mean 加权平均数
geometric mean 几何平均数
standard deviation 标准差
is equal to 等于
the union of A and B A和B的并集(A∪B)
the intersection of A and B A和B的交集(A∩B)
mutually exclusive 互斥
Venn diagram 韦恩图
at random 随机
equally likely 等可能
independent events独立事件