火影忍者吧 关注:9,154,872贴子:247,250,754

【原创】Mission?!? (CP:SasuSak, NejiTen, NaruHina, ShikIno)


Sorry i only know how to type in English!
If anyone can transfer this story into Chinese that will be nice!
Thank you!

1楼2010-02-03 08:43回复

    IP属地:广东2楼2010-02-03 08:45
      看见你写的 哥笑而不语

      3楼2010-02-03 08:46
        • 211.138.243.*

        4楼2010-02-03 08:46
          Sasuke had come back after 3 years and 4 days since he left.    It turns out that he never be treat the Village.    It was a secret mission that assigned by the Third Hokage before his death.    Now Naruto is the 6th Hokage.    And Sasuke was assigned to be the captain of the ANBU team after a week he comes back.    Because of his strength.    Just like before he is still handsome or even better now and much more taller. And Sakura now is the captain of the healing ninja.    She is even pretty before and she grows her hair much longer now.    She works in the hospital the most of the time and sometimes has to go to the missions too.    There is so many times when she got to her offices and on her desk all she sees is flower, letters, and sometimes sweets.    Because she is so popular with the guys at the village besides Rock Lee.     And now Sakura is working with Ino, Hinata, and TenTen.    They all teach by the 5th Hokage.    And Sasuke was working with Neij who is the vice captain of the ANBU team, Shikmaru, and Sai.  

          5楼2010-02-03 08:54
            It was sunny and peaceful day at the Hidden Leaf Village just like every other day accept.
                  “A mission?!?” a nice and soft voice come from a young lady who has pretty face and nice long pink hair.
                  “Yes a mission that you guys all have to go.” said a woman with unclear age.    She is pretty alright but her age was a mystery.
            ”Even me?” ask by a young man who is good looking and with shinning golden yellow hair that and he has a loud voice.
            “Yes even you Naruto, I thought you love missions.” Said from the woman again, the Lady Hokage.
            “Yes I do but, who is going to do the paper work for me?” said Naruto
            “No need to worry about that I’ll do it you when you are gone.” Said the 5th Hokage.    Then look around at them.
            “Any questions before we start?” she asks.
            “What kind mission is this that needs all of us and even the Hokage?” the voice comes from a young man who is handsome and with blue hair.    He has cool and columns in him he looks like a nature leader.    And there is no question about it he is the leader of the most famous and powerful clan of the Village.

            6楼2010-02-03 09:01
              “Yes great question Mr.Uchina no question that you are the top student back in the academy.” Uchiha the strongest clan in the Village of Hidden Leafs.  
              She said and then hand them each one a file.
              “Ok open it up and see what is inside.”    Said the Lady Hokage “Remember this is top secret no one accept the people in here can know about it.”
              “Yes” they all answer
              “Good, and now I going to explained how this mission goes.” she said and then look at Naruto who is sitting next to Sasuke and his face is red.    “What is wrong Naruto?    Are you sick?”
              “Oh no I’m not sick, is just that I... I...” said Naruto who didn’t get to finish it the 5th Hokage just add.
              “Good then let go on.    So the mission is that you guys have to go to the Village of Tomoyush, which is a village locates in the Land of Water, and your mission is to protect the village while the New Year Festival.    And that is going to last for two weeks.” After she finishing the sentence there is someone knock at the door.
              “Knock, knock, knock.”  
              “Come in” said the both Hokage.
              “Hey Naruto this is my office!” sad 5th Hokage
              “Oh yeah I forget.” Naruto said with a big smile on his face.
              And 4 men come in with suit case on both of their hands.
              “Lady Hokage sama your orders.” said one of the 4 men.
              “Yes, just put them beside the door thanks.” She said
              “What is that for?” come form a voice that is warm and nice she is a young lady with a pretty face and a sun golden yellow long hair.
              “I’ll tell you later Ino.” 5th Hokage said with a smile on her face.
              “So as I was saying to do this mission you 8 have to divide in to 4 groups and that is going to be 2 per groups, one medical ninja and ANBU team ninja.   
              By: PinkLady410

              7楼2010-02-03 09:02
                the story is not ended yet!
                I'm going to post some tomarrow!
                Because i'm form USA the time zone is going to be different!
                And sorry for any missed spelling!
                I'm really bad at spelling!
                Thank you!
                This story is my first so if im really bad then i am sorry!

                8楼2010-02-03 09:03
                  noboby reads my story?!?
                  i must be really bad!!!

                  9楼2010-02-03 19:58

                    10楼2010-02-03 20:06
                      thanks for feeding back!!
                      and now the story!

                      11楼2010-02-04 03:06
                        For you Naruto, that will be more special.   Now I’m going to sign the groups” She said
                        “Start with you Naruto your are going to be with Hinata.   I know is already in your files, but I’m still going over it.   The next is you Sasuke you are with Sakura, Neji you with TenTen, and last Shikmaru you will be with Ino, ok any more question?” She finished
                        “Yes I do, why do I get to be with Shikmaru? He is so lazy!” Ino said
                        “Will no need to worry about it, the guys is going to do all the work and the girls are just for healing and emergences and getting new types of medicine.” She answer
                        “And the group is for what?”Ask Neji.
                        “Oh yes about that.” Said the 5th Hokage “This mission is ranked A+.   So this mission will be a lot harder than it sounds, this rank is almost hard and dangerous as the rank S.   And the reason that you pair like this is because you guys are going to discos yourselves as the just merry couple. For a better safety” She said with that smile again on her face.

                        12楼2010-02-04 03:22
                          Chapter 2
                                       “Ok we still have a mission to do so let’s find the cars already!”Said Shikmaru who start walking
                                       “Hey I wander what car I’m getting” Said Naruto.
                                       “I does not matter the things that matter is get to the village that is like 4 days away.” Said Shikmaru
                                       “And that is by walking for the average top ninja Shikmaru, we have cars!” said Ino
                                       “Ok, ok is a 9 hours a way by car and good think is, is still 10 in the morning we’ll get there by dinner time.” Said Shikmaru
                                       They walk as they speck and they get to the parking lot.
                                       “We here, hey try the keys.” Said TenTen
                                       “Sweet I got the Yellow one.” Said Naruto who is happy “Let’s go Hinata, I can’t wait.”
                                       “Mine is the White one on the left, let’s go TenTen.” Said Neji
                                       “Ares is the black one lets go Sakura” said Sasuke
                                       “Ok, see you guys at the hotel!”And then she left with Sasuke
                                       “We should get going, mine is the silver one.” Said Shikmaru
                                       “Ok” said Ino and followed him to the car

                          14楼2010-02-04 03:24
                            that is it for today!
                            plaese writ some readview after you read it!!!
                            thank you!

                            15楼2010-02-04 03:26
                              and to tell the turth i amost out of ideas!!
                              so if you can plase post some ideas!
                              once again thank you!

                              16楼2010-02-04 03:27