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阿纳丝塔夏 | 石墓研究中的奇特之处Curious Aspe


阿纳丝塔夏 | 石墓研究中的奇特之处
Curious Aspect of the Study of the Dolmens
The readers of Ringing Cedars of Russia books know the important role of Dolmens for the contemporary people - that is to keep and share wisdom of Vedrus civilization to us. However, the study of Vladimir Kalinin showed additional aspects of Dolmens.
The study was conducted by Vladimir Kalinin, a doctor and the head of the paleomedicine laboratory of the Academy of Perception Development. He conducted his experiments independently of the information on Dolmens described in the series of books "Ringing Cedars of Russia".
In the study of the dolmens, we decided to discard all official theories of their origin and destination, as well as all possible myths and legends of both modern and ancient interpretations.
We developed a hypothesis that the dolmens have sufficient energy power to transform water into healing substance. In order to understand what properties the water that has been in the dolmen acquires, we conducted the studies below.
Our studies have shown: water that was exposed to dolmen's energies has a powerful effect on biological organisms. The essence of experiment was to sprout seeds in the water exposed to the Dolmens and regular water.
The experiment was carried out on accessible undamaged dolmens. We chose the grains of ordinary wheat, purchased in the local farm market. Water was purchased in a pharmacy - water for injection in glass sealed ampoules of 5 milliliters in each ampoule.

来自iPhone客户端1楼2020-10-17 07:07回复
    原文: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7QTQkZVyUxRKyJzauUVQlg

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2020-10-17 07:14
      🔗 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7QTQkZVyUxRKyJzauUVQlg

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2020-10-17 07:22