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IP属地:广西1楼2020-08-17 11:07回复
    The primarch slept in a circular chamber. Its decor was in cream and gold, but the room was not overly ostentatious. Roboute Guilliman had far more comfortable quarters he could use.
    Messinius had made the pilgrimage to see the primarch’s body.He remembered so clearly the first time he had seen Guilliman in the Temple of Correction. Guilliman was enthroned within a glimmering stasis field, the Emperor’s sword across his knees.

    IP属地:广西2楼2020-08-17 11:12
      Gunthe stuck a needle in his neck. ‘I’m sure that file of yours is way off,’ he said.
      ‘I’ve been called worse,’ he said. ‘Now, take a moment. Breathe. The drug Jermaine used on you is rapid acting, and will wear off quickly. Wait to speak until its influence is gone, then we may discourse as civilised men.’
      Guilliman paused. ‘I am going to ask you to help me. Much has been lost. Records are frustratingly incomplete. In many cases they are fabricated or deliberately suppressed.
      ‘My sons, my brothers,’ he voxed them. ‘There is something I have been keeping from you. Do not judge me harshly for it. The time of revelation is at hand.’
      The final door opened, and Messinius understood.
      He looked down at Cawl’s creations. They were bigger than him. A new kind of Space Marine. As inconceivable as that was, they were there, in front of him. He began running threat assessments.
      新的BIG GUY第一次出场是在考尔的Zar Quaesitor 上,基里曼和考尔选择这里作为不屈远征计划军备的展览地。只不过首批出场的原铸星际战士的伤亡可不是来自敌人敌人。
      ‘This demonstration you are about to see is at full lethality,’ he said. ‘These servitors are among the very best combat models available, I know for I made them myself, and they have been programmed to kill.
      For the Emperor!’ the Space Marines shouted, their battle cry amplified by their helmet augmitters into a roaring shockwave of sound. Even in the expansive hold, it was startling, and many of the full humans flinched.

      IP属地:广西3楼2020-08-17 11:34
        These were not Space Marines. They were something else.
        They were his replacements. He realised, as he watched, that he was witness to the dawning of a new breed, and by extension, the end of his own.
        The others moved around the whirling blades. They were ungraceful, and to Messinius’ practised eye they appeared stiff, almost a little mechanical, but the economy of their movements was astounding. Within two heartbeats they were within the reach of the combat servitor, and set about the joints of its limbs, slashing pipes and power feeds with their knives. Hydraulic fluids sprayed out and its arms went limp. In the space of only a few seconds, they had brought low a mechanical horror.
        ‘That is a waste. A needless cruelty,’ he said, hoping to draw a reaction from the strange Space Marine. He got a question back in return.
        ——连长对Alpha primus提问的战斗过程的回应。

        IP属地:广西5楼2020-08-17 11:48

          IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端6楼2020-08-17 13:06

            IP属地:四川来自Android客户端7楼2020-08-17 14:07
              5.Alpha primus对军备展示的看法
              ‘Is it either of those things?’ said Primus. ‘A few lives to show the primarch’s newfound power. A little display to inform those who might oppose him of the violence he could unleash. That is worth a little blood, do you not think?’
              ‘The primarch would not stand for such wanton murder.’
              ‘Not if he had to do it himself, but he can see the utility of this display,’ said Primus. ‘My master likes his shows, he likes surprise. Guilliman has not been aboard this ship before.’ He looked at Messinius. ‘You know him. I sense it. Do you think your precious primarch will not have anticipated this display? He let it happen, because it is expedient. He is using it, just as he is using his surprise atthe scale of Cawl’s achievements to distance himself from the Primaris’ creation, thus blunting suspicion that he intends to usurp his father. There is never an opportunity missed with Roboute Guilliman. He is a masterwork,’ said Primus, with a mixture of envy and appreciation. He looked down on the primarch. Heplaced his hand flat on the glass. ‘Such majesty the Emperor engineered into the primarchs, whereas I am an abomination, made by a second-rate tinkerer.’ His handfell from the window. ‘What do you think of your replacements?’

              IP属地:广西8楼2020-08-17 15:24

                IP属地:日本来自iPhone客户端11楼2020-08-17 18:34

                  IP属地:河北来自Android客户端12楼2020-08-17 21:15

                    来自iPhone客户端13楼2020-08-17 23:52

                      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端14楼2020-08-18 04:45

                        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端15楼2020-08-18 08:35

                          IP属地:湖北16楼2020-08-18 09:06

                            17楼2020-08-18 10:32