http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Tech/Beam/Beam2.htmlA Star Destroyer used its light trench-mounted guns to vaporize 40 metre wide asteroids in TESB with 1/15-second bursts (see Brian Young's Turbolaser Power page for more information), resulting in a lower limit of 22,500 TW for light turbolaser output. Note that this only applies to light turbolasers. If the ratio of light to heavy turbolaser output is proportional to the size difference, then heavy turbolasers must therefore output roughly 2.8 million TW. Some Federation cultists claim that the asteroids in TESB were actually disintegrated rather than vaporized, but they apparently did not notice that the "debris" (small coalesced blobs of superheated liquid that were metastable and in the process of vaporization) evaporated into invisible gas within a fraction of a second, while solid visibly glowing debris would have continued to be visible for at least 10 seconds as it cooled.
A Star Destroyer hit the Millenium Falcon with a blast that knocked it off its axis in such a manner that if the originating weapon were a laser, the lower limit for its power level would be over 215,000 TW. This figure is based on the possibility that turbolasers fire massless particles. If turbolasers do not fire massless particles, then this figure is not applicable. Also, it ignores the effect of the Millenium Falcon's stabilizer systems so it is a low estimate.