爱烈治街博物馆(Museum at Eldridge Street,随意付款,时间上午10时至下午5时)
12 Eldridge St., Manhattan, NY 10002

9/11纪念馆(9/11 Memorial & Museum,下午5时至关门)
World Trade Center (museum: 180 Greenwich St), Manhattan, NY 10007
布鲁克林植物园(The Brooklyn Botanic Garden,全天)
990 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11225
摩根图书博物馆(Morgan Library and Museum,仅免费开放麦克金阅览室McKim Rooms,下午3时至5时)
225 Madison Ave., Manhattan, NY 10016
波丘园(Wave Hill,上午9时至中午12时)
675 W. 252nd St., Bronx, NY 10471

布朗克斯动物园(Bronx Zoo,基础门票随意付款,参观不包括蝴蝶园、大猩猩森林和丛林世界等特殊园区)
2300 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10460
弗利克美术馆(Frick Collection,随意付款,下午2时至6时)
1 E. 70th St., Manhattan, NY 10021
犹太遗产博物馆(Museum of Jewish Heritage,下午4时至8时)
36 Battery Pl., Manhattan, NY 10280
纽约植物园(New York Botanical Garden,基础门票免费,参观不包括奥普特温室Enid A. Haupt Conservatory、兰花展、假日小火车展、儿童探险乐园、岩石原生植物园和电车游览等特殊展馆和行程)
2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10458
皇后植物园(Queens Botanical Garden,四月至十月每周三下午3时至6时,其他时间全部免费)
43-50 Main St., Queens, NY 11355
范·科特兰之家博物馆(Van Cortlandt House Museum)
Van Cortlandt Park, Broadway @ 246th St., Bronx, NY 10471
史坦顿岛动物园(Staten Island Zoo,下午2时至4时45分)
614 Broadway, Staten Island, NY 10310

布鲁克林儿童博物馆(Brooklyn Children's Museum,下午2时至6时)
145 Brooklyn Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11213
艺术设计博物馆(Museum of Arts and Design,门票随意支付,下午6时至晚9时)
2 Columbus Circle, Manhattan, NY 10019
新当代艺术博物馆(New Museum,门票随意支付,下午7时至晚9时)
235 Bowery, Manhattan, NY 10002
国际摄影艺术中心(International Center of Photography,门票随意支付,下午6时至晚9时)
250 Bowery, Manhattan, NY 10002
美国华人博物馆(Museum of Chinese in America,仅每月第一个周四免费)
215 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013

亚洲协会(Asia Society,9月至次年6月每周五下午6时至晚上9时)
725 Park Ave., Manhattan, NY 10021
里士满老城(Historic Richmond Town,下午1时至5时)
441 Clarke Ave., Staten Island, NY 10306
日本协会(Japan Society,下午6时至9时)
333 E. 47th St., Manhattan, NY 10017
摩根图书博物馆(Morgan Library and Museum,下午7时至9时)
225 Madison Ave., Manhattan, NY 10016
现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art ,下午4时至8时)
11 W. 53rd St., Manhattan, NY 10019
移动影像博物馆(Museum of the Moving Image,下午4时至8时)
35th Ave. at 37th St., Queens, NY 11106
纽约水族馆(New York Aquarium,门票任付,下午3时至关门,夏季下午4时至关门)
602 Surf Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11224
纽约科学馆(New York Hall of Science下午2时至5时)
47-01 111th St., Queens, NY 11368
纽约历史协会(The New-York Historical Society,门票任付,下午6时至8时)
170 Central Park West, Manhattan, NY 10024
鲁宾艺术博物馆(Rubin Museum of Art,下午6时至晚10时)
150 W. 17th St., Manhattan, NY 10011

布鲁克林植物园(The Brooklyn Botanic Garden,上午10时至中午12时)
990 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11225
犹太博物馆(The Jewish Museum)
1109 Fifth Ave., Manhattan, NY 10128
纽约植物园(New York Botanical Garden,基础门票免费,上午9时至10时)
2900 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10458
古根海姆博物馆(Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,门票任付,下午5时45分至7时45分)
1071 Fifth Ave., Manhattan, NY 10128
波丘园(Wave Hill,上午9时至中午12时)
675 W. 252nd St., Bronx, NY 10471

摩根图书博物馆(The Morgan Library and Museum,仅开放麦克金阅览室McKim Rooms,下午4时至6时)
225 Madison Ave., Manhattan, NY 10016
纽约科学馆(New York Hall of Science,上午10时至11时)
47-01 111th St., Queens, NY 11368
皇后植物园(Queens Botanical Garden,4月至10月上午9时至11时)
43-50 Main St., Queens, NY 11355
哈林博物馆(Studio Museum in Harlem)
144 W. 125th St., Manhattan, NY 10027