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LP Lae

IP属地:天津来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-08-10 23:04回复

    IP属地:天津来自iPhone客户端2楼2019-08-10 23:05
      LP LAE师父,中文一般翻译为“龙婆列”,龙婆列师父是近代哈奴曼名师,也是法力刺符名师,获得过泰皇亲赐宝扇。龙婆列给信众刺的九大猴神,每一个猴神刺符代表不同效力和不同的意义,在泰国当地非常灵验。龙婆列师父多圣物在,挡灾避险,招财人缘,扭转恶运方面口碑非常不错。正是因此,师父的哈努曼是其代表,圣物在泰国当地享有盛誉。同时师父跟很多名师学过法,如龙婆通属,龙婆爹,龙婆谦,龙婆登,瓦郎破等等。龙婆列师父在泰国非常出名,圆寂后至今金身不腐。

      IP属地:天津来自iPhone客户端3楼2019-08-10 23:05
        Biography of LP Lae:
        LP Lae of Wat PhraSong, Phetchaburi province was born in1914. He was ordained at the age of 20 at Wat KowTaMon. He has been an expertof concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. Also, he commenced studies inVisha(magic) under LP ThongSook of Wat ToneLuang and LP Purng of WatNgaungMaiNur who has good knowledge in the magical arts and Buddhist Dhamma ofPhetchaburi province. Moreover, LP Lae studied the magic from many top monks ofThailand such as LP Cham of Wat Taklong, LP Boon of Wat Klangbangkaeow, LP Jongof Wat Nah Tang Nok and other top monks.
        LP Lae is well-known among amulet collectors at the presenttime. His amulet is very famous in protection and wealth. LP Lae passed away on10 March B.E.2551 (C.E.2008) while he was 92 years old.

        IP属地:天津4楼2019-08-10 23:07

          IP属地:天津5楼2019-08-10 23:21