As we know, the label of INTP is far too broad. I have decided to break it down by a second system, where the letters are sorted by strength. Taking myself, for example, I have the most N, followed by P, I and T. I would be an NIPT.
IE: Joe has 76% I, 50% N, 65% T and 78% P. Joe would be a "PITN"
The meaning of the system is that having stronger mixtures of things will have different consequences than having weak mixtures. An INTP with a strong IT will be different than one with an ambivalent IT. The system can be broken up in different ways, so I'll just dive into the subtypes.
"The improviser"
PNTI-"the qc"
This type uses a wild intellectual instinct to perfect systems, whether they were the originator or not. The weak TI creates ambivalence towards identity and logic.
PNIT-"the context jumper"
The other PN, tends towards comparing seemingly incompatible systems. They thrive on ideas like quines and seemingly inappropriate metaphors.
PINT-"the secret prostitute"
The first of our identity-strong subtypes, they court several identities at once without thought of global inconsistency.
PITN-"the reed in the wind"
Skilled in the evasive arts, these are one of the physical subtypes. Their sense of physical evasion echoes in the chameleon nature of their soul.
PTNI-"the cold shower"
With the inherent paradox of being a T-strong perciever, this type excels in using parsimony to reduce systems to a simplest metaphor. This activity can be sobering.
PTIN-"the collector"
The second in the physical/material subtype, the PTIN collects ideas into a centerless framework.
IE: Joe has 76% I, 50% N, 65% T and 78% P. Joe would be a "PITN"
The meaning of the system is that having stronger mixtures of things will have different consequences than having weak mixtures. An INTP with a strong IT will be different than one with an ambivalent IT. The system can be broken up in different ways, so I'll just dive into the subtypes.
"The improviser"
PNTI-"the qc"
This type uses a wild intellectual instinct to perfect systems, whether they were the originator or not. The weak TI creates ambivalence towards identity and logic.
PNIT-"the context jumper"
The other PN, tends towards comparing seemingly incompatible systems. They thrive on ideas like quines and seemingly inappropriate metaphors.
PINT-"the secret prostitute"
The first of our identity-strong subtypes, they court several identities at once without thought of global inconsistency.
PITN-"the reed in the wind"
Skilled in the evasive arts, these are one of the physical subtypes. Their sense of physical evasion echoes in the chameleon nature of their soul.
PTNI-"the cold shower"
With the inherent paradox of being a T-strong perciever, this type excels in using parsimony to reduce systems to a simplest metaphor. This activity can be sobering.
PTIN-"the collector"
The second in the physical/material subtype, the PTIN collects ideas into a centerless framework.