芙蓉·德拉库尔吧 关注:207贴子:3,567




IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端1楼2019-04-14 23:55回复

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2019-04-14 23:56

      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端3楼2019-04-15 00:03
        译者:1.本人英语渣,定有许多错 误,请多指教。

        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端4楼2019-04-15 00:07
          Can You Keep a Secret?
          你能守住秘密吗? 正文部分

          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端5楼2019-04-15 00:08
            But everything is going to change after this meeting when Fabian realizes what a great worker I am. He'll see what I'm really capable of and I'll be promoted, or I'll get to go on my own spy missions as an International Agent, aka curse breaker. That's the highest level in the department, International Agent, err.. well except for the Head of the Department. That's my secret hope for today, not to be promoted to head of the department. No, to be promoted to International Executive, which is the level just under curse breaker/International Agent. Then my parents can be proud of me and fawn over me like they do my younger sister Gabrielle.
            Fleur Delacour, International Executive.
            Fleur Delacour, International Agent.
            Fleur Delacour, Head of the Department of International Intelligence
            Okay, so back to this meeting, I understand most of what they are saying, but what I don't, I'll just make up. I also better figure out his name, okay, Gary Goldring, okay, just remember he's wearing a gold ring. Gary like that fish from that muggle movie Finding Elmo that my old boyfriend too me to. Or maybe it was a turtle, some type of undersea creature with a shell from something muggle. Whatever.

            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端11楼2019-04-15 00:17
              Different directions? Decline? Fabian is not going to be happy, and neither is grey robes guy. Shite, I can't let this happen, I'll lose my job. I can't just let this happen. The office will think it's my fault and I'm a bloody idiot! Suddenly, looking at my nails which need to be recharmed, I come up with inspiration, obviously sent straight
              from Merlin. Putting as much Veela charm into my voice as I can, I try and convince him to change his mind. "Surely this hasn't been thought through and you aren't being serious. Surely this is a joke and you are going to sign the treaty, now," I say in French with a charm in my voice, my eyes radiating sensuality that no red blooded male can resist. I'm not part Veela for nothing.
              不同的方向?拒绝?费比安看到这个结果一定会不高兴的的,那个穿着灰袍的男人也一样。妈 的,我不能让这种事发生,我会失业的。我不能让这种事发生。部门会把错全归咎于我的,我真是个该死的**!我低头看了看自己的指甲,它又需要被重新施咒了,突然!我产生了灵感,感谢梅林。我尽量把媚娃的魅力注入于我的声音,试图说服他改变主意。“这事你一定没有经过深思熟虑,不,你不是认真的。现在,你们要签署条约了,”我用法语说道,我尽量使我的声音充满魅力,我的眼睛里散发出了任何男性都无法抗拒的性感。我的媚娃血统可不是白来的。
              "Miss Delacour, this is not going to work, and I'm not sure what your boss told you to do, but that is entirely inappropriate." I stare at him blankly, unable to understand how he knew what I was doing or how he resisted it. Seeing my blank look he answers the unasked question while Grey Robes merely drools and is oblivious that either of us have said anything since I began using the charm. "I'm gay." Oh, purple suit, the too nice hair, oh, oh, OH! Crap.
              “德拉库尔小姐,这行不通,我不知道你老板想让你干什么,但在这个场合这完全不合适。”我茫然地盯着他,我不明白他怎么会知道我在做什么,或者他是如何抗拒我的魅力的。看到我茫然的表情,他回答了我没有问出口的问题,“我是个同性恋”。哦,难怪他穿着漂亮的紫色西装,梳着漂亮的头发,哦,哦,哦!去 他 的 吧。
              "Please, don't tell my boss," I beg, my face flushed with embarrassment. Shite.

              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端18楼2019-04-16 21:43

                IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端19楼2019-04-16 21:47
                  ———— 第一章 the end ————

                  IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端20楼2019-04-16 21:47
                    I don't know how other people do it. Manage their careers that is. It's nothing like Bauxbatons-it's the real world and nothing like school. Like my best friend Penelope. She's always known she wanted to be a lawyer and now, viola! She is working for the ministry as a laywer. I just took this job because it was one of the only ones that would take me, and they actually liked that I was foreign. And I needed a job if I wanted to actually move to England and be on my own. And really, working for the Department of International Intelligence isn't that bad.
                    I heave a sigh and gaze at my reflection in the mirror behind the bar. My hair doesn't look as shiny as normal and my silvery blue eyes look dead. I'm a bloody veela! I should look so much better than this. So much for being part man-alluring magical creature.
                    The barman places my drink in front of me, and says "Cheer Up! It can't be that bad!"

                    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端22楼2019-04-27 23:19
                      "Thanks!" I say halfheartedly and take a sip of the muggle drink. It just doesn't have the same kick as gillywater. However, it just feels better. I really should owl Fabian and give him the report. But I can't face it. The beautiful but blond and seemingly stupid Fleur has failed again. Anyways, he's probably still at the Flamel Awards. His dream is to get the Flamel Peace Prize, but he's not really that important or anything. So I doubt it. More like Harry Potter or Dumbledore would get that! I think the shoe in for this year is some guy from Albania. Who cares? It can wait until Monday.
                      I'm just taking a sip of my drink when there is suddenly this terrifying ringing sound. Jumping, I look around, terrified. What is that?! Suddenly, it happens again, almost louder this time! All of the people at the bar are staring at me. Oh My MERLIN! That sound is coming from me!
                      我正喝着饮料,突然听到一声可怕的铃声。我跳起来,环顾着四周,感到惊恐万分。那是什么声音? !突然,它又响了,这次声音几乎更响了!酒吧里所有的人都盯着我看。我的梅林!那声音是我这发出来的!
                      "Are you going to get that lady?" says the bartender looking at me. Something is in my purse. I have to stop it before these muggles realize I'm magical. I don't see why we have to travel by plane, but the Department of International Intelligence believes we should use muggle transportation as much as possible because we are a spy department, and we want to be as untraceable as possible. We can't have wizarding records of international floos and such, so we use muggle transportation which no normal wizard would ever think to pay attention to.

                      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端23楼2019-04-27 23:20
                        "But it was that bad! I've never been so embarrassed in my life. The treaty didn't go through, and then, I thought I could sweet talk my way into convincing the ambassador, flirt with him a bit, use my er… feminine whiles.. I know, totally blond stereotype, but I was desperate. And then it turns out he's gay. And well, my feminine whiles don't work… on gays. Oh, I was so mortified. And he was rather nice about it, but really, I'm screwed if Fabian finds out. It was my first business trip, and I'll probably be fired!" I say, tears coming to my eyes.
                        "Well, I'm sure everything will be fine. There are lots of treaties out there. And, at least he'll remember you," she said. Great, hopefully I never deal with the French government again.
                        "You don't understand, I was coming on to the highest person in the French Government when it comes to dealing with the English!"
                        "Fleur, stop being a drama queen. Anyways, your dad sent an owl," she said.
                        "Penny, what did he want?" I asked.

                        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端26楼2019-04-27 23:23
                          "But it was that bad! I've never been so embarrassed in my life. The treaty didn't go through, and then, I thought I could sweet talk my way into convincing the ambassador, flirt with him a bit, use my er… feminine whiles.. I know, totally blond stereotype, but I was desperate. And then it turns out he's gay. And well, my feminine whiles don't work… on gays. Oh, I was so mortified. And he was rather nice about it, but really, I'm screwed if Fabian finds out. It was my first business trip, and I'll probably be fired!" I say, tears coming to my eyes.
                          "Well, I'm sure everything will be fine. There are lots of treaties out there. And, at least he'll remember you," she said. Great, hopefully I never deal with the French government again.
                          "You don't understand, I was coming on to the highest person in the French Government when it comes to dealing with the English!"
                          "Fleur, stop being a drama queen. Anyways, your dad sent an owl," she said.
                          "Penny, what did he want?" I asked.

                          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端27楼2019-04-27 23:23
                            "Well, errr, he said that errr… Jean Claude won an award," she said nervously. Of course, my older brother, well really, he's my father's step-sister's son, but we took him into our family. My father absolutely dotes on him, and my mother, well it is her "garcon". He's absolutely parfait, according to them. I can't stand him, he's really not related to me at all, and well, I think he's a bastard. And not just literally. He's half the reason I left France. He is always hitting on me, I think he thinks I'm a free ride into the family. Because, well, if he marries me, then he'll get what he always wanted, the Delacour fortune and name. The last thing I need is my parents dragging me back to France to watch Jean Claude receive an award and then attend the celebratory dinner after where he will try to get in my pants.
                            “呃,呃,他说 让·克劳德 得了奖,”她紧张地说。哦,那个人是我哥哥,好吧,准确的说,他是我父亲继妹的儿子,但是我们把他带进了我们的家庭一起生活。我的父亲非常溺爱他。根据他们的说法,他是个很能干的人。但我受不了他,他跟我一点学院关系都没有,我觉得他就是个混 蛋。这不仅仅是字面上的意思。他还是我离开法国的原因之一的。他老是挑 逗我,我想,他认为我在家里会任人糟 蹋。如果他娶了我,他就会得到他一直想要的一切——德拉库尔家族的财产和名声。我可不想我的父母此时要把我拖回法国,去参加让-克劳德获奖的庆祝晚宴,他一定会不惜一切代价尝试着钻进我的裤子。
                            "Oh Great."
                            "On a happier note, Andrew sent an airplane by to see how you got on at the meeting. He was really sweet and didn't want to owl you during your big meeting, so he sent an airplane to me instead," she said.
                            "Really?" I say excitedly.
                            "Yeah, he's such a darling, he's in meetings all afternoon, but he is canceling his gobstones match tonight to take you out to dinner if you want," says Penny.
                            "That would be nice, thank's Penny!"
                            "Alright, well, I have to go, so if you flip the phone closed, it should turn off," she says. "I'll talk to you later Fleur. See you at the airport."

                            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端28楼2019-04-27 23:23
                              My mind goes blank.. This is stupid! There's so many wonderful things about Andrew, from his… his long legs… yes. And Broad shoulders… to the time he looked after me when I had the Fairy Fever. I mean, how many boyfriends do that? Exactly.
                              我的脑子顿时一片空白。这样的想象真实愚 蠢极了!但话说回来安德鲁是有很多优点,从他的…大长腿…开始,一直到当我发烧他照顾我时那宽阔的肩膀。我是说,世上有多少男朋友能这样完美?
                              I'm incredibly lucky, I truly am.
                              Looking at the clock behind the bar, I run my hands through my hair nervously. Thirty minutes until take off. Nerves are starting to creep over me like devil's snare vines. Taking a deep gulp of the muggle alcohol, I drain the glass. It will be fine, absolutely fine, I tell myself for the thousandth time.
                              I'm not frightened, really, I'm just… just..
                              OK. I'm terrified.
                              16. I'm petrified of flying.
                              16. 我害怕坐飞机。
                              I've never explicitly told anyone I'm afraid of flying. It just sounds so lame, especially being a witch. And it's not like I'm phobic or anything. I just can't get on a plane, or a broom, or a carpet, or really, anything that flies. All things being equal, I prefer the ground. Which is ironic, because being part veela, I turn into a bird when I get royally pissed. Angry pissed, not drunk.
                              This morning was so much easier. Partly because I was so excited for the meeting, and partly because Penny may or may not have slipped an illegal calming drought into my breakfast tea. Even so, I kept having bursts of panic, but when I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, it was better. I read that you should do that in Witch Weekly. It worked… a bit.

                              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端30楼2019-04-27 23:26