Except for the boss.
And he's almost toast Largest turbo surge ever recorded.
=> 而且他几乎要吐司记录最大的涡轮增压。
In this city! Well don't just stand there jabbering! Sound the alarms! Release the hounds! Do whatever it is you do, But bring me that source of turbo energy! [moans] He's waking up.
=> 在这个城市!那么别只是站在那里叽叽喳喳!发出警报!释放猎犬!不管你做什么都行,但是给我带来涡轮增压的能量! [呻吟]他醒了。
Call Forge.
=> Call Forge。
Give us a minute.
=> 给我们一分钟。
Uncle Ferrus? What're you doing here? Ow.
=> Ferrus叔叔?你在这里干什么?噢。
Where am I? Whoa.
=> 我在哪里?哇。
What the heck you wearing? Welcome to n-tek.
=> 你穿什么?欢迎来到n-tek。
Uncle Ferrus? What's happening to me? Come with me, kid.