1. Your resume is about your skills, not about you. Of course, the resume is about why you’re great for the role. But be careful that the resume is about what skills you bring to the table, and not what you want to get out of the role.1.简历是你能力的体现,不是用来描述个人情况的。你的简历虽然用来说明你是最符合目标职位的人选,但是你应该在其中罗列你的技能,而不是写这个职位能给你带来什么好处。
2. Less is more. In order to craft a marketable resume, be ruthless in editing your resume. Don’t use blocks of text; use bullet points. Don’t make someone do a lot of reading, because they won’t. Anything that doesn’t sell you as an awesome candidate should be cut.2.精简为佳。为了写出一份有“市场需求"的简历,你必须狠下心把无关的优势都去掉。不要长篇大论,应用简短的句子描述。不要让看你简历的人像看文章一样“阅读”,因为他们不会花那么多时间这样做。只要跟你目标职位无关的亮点,全部都不应该写。
3. Learn new skills. If you’re currently unemployed, take the time to learn a new skill that’s related to your career and document it on your resume. If there’s a certificate you’ve been meaning to get, take the course and earn the certification. It will make you that much more competitive.3.学习新技能。如果你现在还没找到工作,花点时间学习与你职业规划相关的技能,并把它们写在简历上。如果你一直都想考个证,就报班争取拿到证书。这会让你在求职中更有竞争力。
4. Tap into your network. Now is the time to draw on your formal and informal network — Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere. Remember, a marketable resume is good only when you have a market for it.4.利用人脉。现在就是你利用关系网的时候了——脸谱网、推特等等。记住,一份优秀的简历只有在被人欣赏的情况下才能称得上好简历。
2. Less is more. In order to craft a marketable resume, be ruthless in editing your resume. Don’t use blocks of text; use bullet points. Don’t make someone do a lot of reading, because they won’t. Anything that doesn’t sell you as an awesome candidate should be cut.2.精简为佳。为了写出一份有“市场需求"的简历,你必须狠下心把无关的优势都去掉。不要长篇大论,应用简短的句子描述。不要让看你简历的人像看文章一样“阅读”,因为他们不会花那么多时间这样做。只要跟你目标职位无关的亮点,全部都不应该写。
3. Learn new skills. If you’re currently unemployed, take the time to learn a new skill that’s related to your career and document it on your resume. If there’s a certificate you’ve been meaning to get, take the course and earn the certification. It will make you that much more competitive.3.学习新技能。如果你现在还没找到工作,花点时间学习与你职业规划相关的技能,并把它们写在简历上。如果你一直都想考个证,就报班争取拿到证书。这会让你在求职中更有竞争力。
4. Tap into your network. Now is the time to draw on your formal and informal network — Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere. Remember, a marketable resume is good only when you have a market for it.4.利用人脉。现在就是你利用关系网的时候了——脸谱网、推特等等。记住,一份优秀的简历只有在被人欣赏的情况下才能称得上好简历。