The Bavarians emerged in a region north of the Alps,previously inhabited by Celts, which had been part of the Roman provinces of Raetiaand Noricum. The Bavarians spoke Old High German but, unlike other Germanicgroups, probably did not migrate from elsewhere. Rather, they seem to havecoalesced out of other groups left behind by Roman withdrawal late in the 5thcentury. These peoples may have included the Celtic Boii, some remaining Romans,Marcomanni, Allemanni, Quadi, Thuringians, Goths, Scirians, Rugians, Heruli.The name "Bavarian" ("Baiuvarii") means "Men ofBaia" which may indicate Bohemia, the homeland of the Celtic Boii andlater of the Marcomanni. They first appear in written sources circa 520. A 17thcentury Jewish chronicler David Solomon Ganz, citing Cyriacus Spangenberg,claimed that the diocese was named after an ancient Bohemian king, Boiia, inthe 14th century BCE.
巴伐利亚人起源于阿尔卑斯山以北,这片区域早先由凯尔特人居住,属于罗马帝国雷蒂安行省和诺里库姆行省的一部分。巴伐利亚人说古高地德语,但他们有可能不像其他日耳曼族群那样由别处迁移至此,而是在公元5世纪晚期罗马人撤退时,留下来的多民族互相结合而形成的。这些人中可能包括凯尔特博伊人,罗马人,马科曼尼人,阿勒曼尼人,夸迪人,图林根人,哥特人,斯克利人,鲁基人,赫卢利人。“巴伐利亚人”意为“巴亚人”,其中的“巴亚”可能指代的是波希米亚——凯尔特博伊人和后来马科曼尼人的故乡。他们最早在大约公元520年的时候出现在书面记录中。而一位17世纪的犹太编年史学家Ganz在注释Cyriacus Spangenberg(16世纪德国神学家、历史学家)的著作时认为,这片教区是以一个公元前14世纪的古波希米亚国王Boiia的名字命名的。