Photographing when Eating can be Impolite
Here comes a picture showing how photographs your food before eating can annoy others.
In the suggestive picture,we can see two friends are eating at a beautiful restaurant,and their food has been served.But the boy looks angry and he is obviously annoyed.The reason why he is so irritated is that the girl who is sitting next to him is busy with taking some pictures of her meals and that she gets no connected to the real world, it must be very discourteous to him since we can tell it from his sulky face.
So what is the real problem? In my opinion,posting a photo of the food you’re about to eat on the social media has become a daily ritual for many people today. But often this ‘food porn’ isn’t as appealing to those looking at it,and the people that are eaten out with you or sit next to you can also be disturbed by your rude action.So why don't we stop doing this and actually pay more attention to what is happening right now in our real world?As is known to all,the pictures can never show the appetitive smell of your delicious food,it can not bring you the satisfaction of company from a close friend.In fact,it can show just a small part of the diverse world in which we live in.What's more,since not all men enjoy your food pictures as much as you do,it can be really impolite of you.
However,i think that one can abandon himself to sharing their meal pictures when eating as long as they don't make a habit of it and obey the rules below.
Remember to consider where you are when you photograph and make sure that your friend won't feel isolated when you are photographing. These manners could play a role in other situations, too.
Here comes a picture showing how photographs your food before eating can annoy others.
In the suggestive picture,we can see two friends are eating at a beautiful restaurant,and their food has been served.But the boy looks angry and he is obviously annoyed.The reason why he is so irritated is that the girl who is sitting next to him is busy with taking some pictures of her meals and that she gets no connected to the real world, it must be very discourteous to him since we can tell it from his sulky face.
So what is the real problem? In my opinion,posting a photo of the food you’re about to eat on the social media has become a daily ritual for many people today. But often this ‘food porn’ isn’t as appealing to those looking at it,and the people that are eaten out with you or sit next to you can also be disturbed by your rude action.So why don't we stop doing this and actually pay more attention to what is happening right now in our real world?As is known to all,the pictures can never show the appetitive smell of your delicious food,it can not bring you the satisfaction of company from a close friend.In fact,it can show just a small part of the diverse world in which we live in.What's more,since not all men enjoy your food pictures as much as you do,it can be really impolite of you.
However,i think that one can abandon himself to sharing their meal pictures when eating as long as they don't make a habit of it and obey the rules below.
Remember to consider where you are when you photograph and make sure that your friend won't feel isolated when you are photographing. These manners could play a role in other situations, too.