blythe吧 关注:49,968贴子:480,109

【blythe-资料】2017年10月音乐老师 Musical Trench


“I love classical music!
Ask any questions about music, anything!
I bet you I know it.
I try to go as far as possible to go to a concert.
At home, I often listen to the records my grandmother gave me.
The sound of the records is perfect harmony as the sound of each instrument blends.
It is my most favorite.”
“Musical Trench” has great fashion theme of music.
She wears this special dress to concerts as it’s covered in musical notes.
She also wears a ruffled trench coat with accent heart buttons.
Even in elegant beret has a musical note embellishment.
Her face is Radiance Renew, the face color is Fair.
Her light brown hair is long with a loose perm and side part.
She wears brown eyeshadow, pink lips and cheeks.
She has special brown eye color chips.
* Final product may differ from illustration image.
Release Date: October 2017
Price: 17,900 JPY

IP属地:上海1楼2017-09-21 09:22回复

    IP属地:上海2楼2017-09-21 09:23

      IP属地:上海3楼2017-09-21 09:23

        IP属地:上海4楼2017-09-21 09:24

          IP属地:上海5楼2017-09-21 09:24
            “ I love music and I am an expert at music.
            My favorite thing is listening to classical music flowing from and old record received from my grandma.
            I love listening to live music, so let’s go to the concert together!
            Surly you will be a fan of classical music too.”
            The chic and mature coloring of her clothing is punctuated with note and record motifs.
            There are cute illustrations of piano, violin, saxophone and trumpet along the fluffy a-line skirt with frills and girlish trench coat.
            The coat buttons are sweet heart shaped.
            She has select fashion accessories.
            Her bare hat has dot patterned tulle on the surface with elegant design and acoustic note symbols.
            Her shoulder bag is shaped like a fun record.
            She wears heart shaped golden ear studs.
            She wears strap shoes with cute tulle socks.
            She has a Radiance Renewal face type in the color “Fair”.
            Her light brown hair is long with a loose perm and fashionable side part.
            She wears elegant makeup with brown eyeshadow, pink lips and pink cheeks.
            She has special light brown eyes in the front gaze.
            Face Type: Radience Renew
            Face Color: Fair
            Makeup: Brown eyeshadow, pink lip, pink cheeks
            Eye Color: Orange (front), blue (right), light brown (front, special color), Green (left)
            Hair Color: Light brown
            Earring: Gold colored heart studs
            Manicure: yes
            Set Includes: Doll, dress, coat, hat, earrings, bag socks, shoes, shorts and stand (17.5 cm)

            IP属地:上海6楼2017-09-21 09:29

              7楼2017-09-21 09:36

                IP属地:天津来自Android客户端8楼2017-09-21 09:44
                  茶色眼片比红色好看多了 QUQ~~~~~~~~ 哎 又想入黑菠萝 又想入这只。。。

                  IP属地:广东9楼2017-09-21 09:46

                    IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端10楼2017-09-21 10:09

                      来自iPhone客户端11楼2017-09-21 10:16
                        这只宝宝的官配可以说是很良心了 都超级喜欢啊

                        12楼2017-09-21 10:30

                          来自iPhone客户端13楼2017-09-21 10:35

                            IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端15楼2017-09-21 10:53