电商英语吧 关注:6贴子:16
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Intelligent retail is a new marketing method based on Internet and Internet of things to find out customer's consumption habits and predict future trends,to guide manufacturing,and to provide diversified and personalized products for customers.

In Zhang Jindong's opinion, the indication of intelligent retail relies on the use of new technology .He said,in traditional retail,customers can be seen, but their behaviors and future trends can not.In the online shopping platform, customers' behavior are recorded completely. With a algorithm model,the future trends of their behavior can be predicted.
He suggested that retail enterprises should transform the traditional B2C supply chain into the C2B supply chain initiated by retailers via network data, develop converse supply management, and match supply and demand accurately, what's more,improve value-added ability of digital supply chain.

1、 Intelligent retail [ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt, ˈri:teɪl] n 智慧零售
2、 Internet of things 物联网
The first students will work on projects related to wearable technology and the Internet of things.
3、Algorithm [ˈælgərɪðəm] n演算法;运算法则;计算程序
Model [ˈmɒdl] 模型;模式;模特儿;典型vt.& vi.做模特儿vt.模仿;制作模型,塑造;将…做成模型adj.典型的,模范的
algorithm model算法模型
4、 Enterprise [ˈentəpraɪz] n企(事)业单位;事业,计划;事业心,进取心
He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.
5、 Initiate [ɪˈnɪʃieɪt] vt.开始,发起;传授;创始,开辟;接纳新成员n.新加入某组织(或机构、宗教)的人,新入会的人;被传授初步知识的人adj.被传授初步知识的;新入会的
They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics
6、Converse [kənˈvɜ:s] vi 交谈,谈话;[计]对话,会话adj.相反的,逆的,颠倒的 n.逆向;谈话,会谈;相反的事物;[逻辑]逆命题

来自Android客户端1楼2017-09-10 16:52回复