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Physical Healing in Lucid Dreams
ByRebecca Turner- take ourfree lucid dreaming course.
作者:Rebecca Turner- 一位带给我们免费的清醒梦课程的人

来自Android客户端1楼2017-07-24 23:47回复
    Physical healing in lucid dreamsis an idea that has been explored extensively by lucidity researchers Ed Kellogg and Robert Waggoner. Their first-hand experiments and research have revealed some tentative correlations between lucid dream healing and actual physical healing of the body. While the placebo effect reveals the mind's ability to heal the body without medication, could a similar mechanism be triggered with lucid dreaming?
    清醒梦的物理治疗是一种被清醒的研究人员 Ed Kellogg 和Robert Waggoner所广泛探索的想法。他们的亲身试验和研究揭示了一些清醒梦的治疗与身体的实际物理治疗之间的试探性的关联。虽然安慰剂效应揭示了大脑在没有药物治疗的情况下能够治愈身体的能力,但是否也能通过清醒梦来触发类似的机制呢?
    【注: 安慰剂效应(Placebo Effect)于1955年由毕阙博士提出,指病人虽然获得无效的治疗,但却“预料”或“相信”治疗有效,而让病患症状得到舒缓的现象。安慰剂效应是一种非常强有力的现象,能使至少1/3甚至更多的患者病症显著改善。】

    来自Android客户端2楼2017-07-24 23:48
      Is Lucid Dream Healing Real?
      Robert Waggoner has been experimenting with lucid dreaming for more than 30 years, logging 1,000+ lucid dream experiences of his own.
      Robert Waggoner已经做了30多年的清醒梦的实验,记录了他自己的1000多个清醒梦的经历。

      来自Android客户端3楼2017-07-24 23:49
        InLucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, Waggoner devotes a chapter to lucid dreamers' successful and unsuccessful attempts at healing their physical bodies. While noting Dr Stephen LaBerge's lucid dream research (which showed that lucid dream events appear to parallel brain events) Waggoner reports some lucid dreamers have taken this idea further. Through focused intent, they sought to repair their own bodies with lucid dream healing.
        清醒梦:通往内在自我的大门,Waggoner用了一篇文章来阐述清醒做梦者的成功与失败,尝试以治愈于他们的身体。在注意到Stephen LaBerge博士的清醒梦研究时(这表明清醒梦的事件似乎与大脑活动平行)。Waggoner报告显示了一些清醒的做梦者已经把这一个想法进行了进一步的研究。通过专注的意图,他们试图通过清醒梦的治疗来修复自己的身体。

        来自Android客户端4楼2017-07-24 23:49
          "Being consciously aware in the dream state may allow the lucid dreamer to influence unconscious body mechanisms, much like excellent subjects in deep hypnosis," Robert Waggoner reports. "In any case, the anecdotal reports show lucid dreamers have had apparent success with stopping internal bleeding, reducing fever and signs of infection, speeding recovery from fractures, reducing uterine cysts, and healing scar tissue."
          “在做梦的状态下,有意识地意识到在做梦可以让清醒梦者去影响无意识的身体机制,就像在深度催眠中优秀的研究对象一样。”Robert Waggoner的报告说,“在任何情况下,这些轶事报道都表明,清醒的做梦者在阻止内部出血,减少发烧和感染的迹象,从骨折中加速恢复,减少子宫囊肿,治愈疤痕组织方面取得了明显的成功。”

          来自Android客户端5楼2017-07-24 23:50
            How To Do Lucid Dream
            The lucid dreamers sought to achieve dream healing in a variety of ways, Waggoner notes. While lucid dreaming, some consciously manipulated their dream body and mentally projected healing thoughts on the diseased area. Others directed healing intent to the diseased area, which often manifested as light shooting from their hands. One group even created a healing environment or healing potion.

            来自Android客户端6楼2017-07-24 23:50
              Ed Kellogg has done the most to investigate lucid dream healing: "Ed first experimented on himself in 1984 by becoming lucidly aware in a dream, and seeking to heal a severely infected tonsil," Robert Waggoner explains. "Upon waking, the signs of infection and the pain had decreased by about 95%. With Ed's doctorate in biochemistry, he takes a very scientific approach to this subject and has pioneered healing in lucid dreams."
              Ed Kellogg 对清醒梦的治疗做了最深入的研究,“Ed在1984年第一次对自己进行了实验,是通过在一场梦中拥有清醒的意识,去治愈严重感染的扁桃体。”Robert Waggoner解释说。“醒来后,感染和疼痛的迹象减少了大约95%。在Ed的生物化学博士学位中,他对这一问题采取了一种非常科学的方法,并在清醒梦中开创了治愈的先锋。”

              来自Android客户端7楼2017-07-24 23:50
                However some lucid dreamers did not report any noticeable success with their attempts at lucid dream healing. This group, Waggoner discovered, was more likely to try indirect methods of healing, such as seeking medical advice in the lucid dream. "It appears that lucid dreamers who seem to have success with healing, act directly on the problem, focus their healing intent, and have a stronger expectation of success."
                To learn more about the concept of lucid dream healing, check out Robert Waggoner's acclaimed book:Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self.

                来自Android客户端8楼2017-07-24 23:51

                  IP属地:美国9楼2017-08-28 09:39