You can now play the game in coop, with your friends (max 4 players). Just create a new multiplayer game and ask you steam friends to join it! The player who creates the game will be the host (better if he has a good computer and connection), he will be able to save and load. In multiplayer player respawn, so as bosses after H24, so you can all progress through the game until being able to escape from the planet!
About saved games, old ones are not compatible with v0.3. But you can continue playing them by activating the "v0.25" steam branch (in the steam properties of the game).
This update took a very long time, it was quite a challenge for me, so I really thank you all for your patience!
As planned, the price is now set to $10.
It will be increased to $12 for the final major update (v1.0), and there won't be any major sale nor bundle before at least one year after the release
Here is the change log :
v0.3 Change Log (Build 563)
- Multiplayer: play the campaign in coop with your friends.
- Player character customisation
- Add a Parameters system to customize the games (rain quantity, weight of block, monsters damages, monsters drop chance, volcano eruption params, etc.). They can be modified in config files or in-game with commands. More details here: https://digordie.gamepedia.com/Custom_Params
- Steam Cloud for saved games. Moved saved games folder, now in C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Dig or Die\<SteamId>\Saves. Old saved games are incompatible (activate the "v0.25" steam branch to continue playing them).
- After completing the game, you can now start new game with all Ultimate (= over-cheated!) items. Add a some new Ultimate items: ultimate miniaturizor, ultimate wall and ultimate armor
- Right-clic on devices icons to use them, "use by shorcut" option improved, quick heal option removed
- 3 new night musics
- Some multiplayer additions: players can throw items out of their inventory (drag & drop), players and bosses respawn (can be activated in solo with custom params), player penarly for death (low hp + drop minerals), command to kick players.
- Add MK5 recipes to craft all rare minerals from basalt and catalyst plants
- +2 blocks to use, miniaturize and pick distances
- Give flashlight at start in peaceful and easy difficulties
- Explosive fireflies don't explode if they are shot (but they are faster and make more damage)
- Sun lamp light much stronger: only one needed every 7 blocks (instead of 3 before) to run an underground farm
- Rocket launcher : no more damage to the ground
- Monsters have more change of spawning in front of the player, when moving (easier to hunt, harder to escape)
- full UI graphic makeover
- 2 new artworks (home screen backgrounds)
- Improved texts visibility
- Fix electricy bugs: signal powered items caused some bug in some electricity network configuration
- Fix spike turret (target ground monsters much better)
- Repaired blocks stop burning after being repaired
- Fix Load/Save and Help panel titles
- Fix some bug in minimap player coordinates
- Update French, English, Russian, Polish, Dutch localization
- Lots of typo fixes
- Game still visible if out of focus (if you have clicked on a 2nd screen)
- And a great lot of various bug fixes and improvements I forgot to add here...
You can now play the game in coop, with your friends (max 4 players). Just create a new multiplayer game and ask you steam friends to join it! The player who creates the game will be the host (better if he has a good computer and connection), he will be able to save and load. In multiplayer player respawn, so as bosses after H24, so you can all progress through the game until being able to escape from the planet!
About saved games, old ones are not compatible with v0.3. But you can continue playing them by activating the "v0.25" steam branch (in the steam properties of the game).
This update took a very long time, it was quite a challenge for me, so I really thank you all for your patience!
As planned, the price is now set to $10.
It will be increased to $12 for the final major update (v1.0), and there won't be any major sale nor bundle before at least one year after the release
Here is the change log :
v0.3 Change Log (Build 563)
- Multiplayer: play the campaign in coop with your friends.
- Player character customisation
- Add a Parameters system to customize the games (rain quantity, weight of block, monsters damages, monsters drop chance, volcano eruption params, etc.). They can be modified in config files or in-game with commands. More details here: https://digordie.gamepedia.com/Custom_Params
- Steam Cloud for saved games. Moved saved games folder, now in C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Dig or Die\<SteamId>\Saves. Old saved games are incompatible (activate the "v0.25" steam branch to continue playing them).
- After completing the game, you can now start new game with all Ultimate (= over-cheated!) items. Add a some new Ultimate items: ultimate miniaturizor, ultimate wall and ultimate armor
- Right-clic on devices icons to use them, "use by shorcut" option improved, quick heal option removed
- 3 new night musics
- Some multiplayer additions: players can throw items out of their inventory (drag & drop), players and bosses respawn (can be activated in solo with custom params), player penarly for death (low hp + drop minerals), command to kick players.
- Add MK5 recipes to craft all rare minerals from basalt and catalyst plants
- +2 blocks to use, miniaturize and pick distances
- Give flashlight at start in peaceful and easy difficulties
- Explosive fireflies don't explode if they are shot (but they are faster and make more damage)
- Sun lamp light much stronger: only one needed every 7 blocks (instead of 3 before) to run an underground farm
- Rocket launcher : no more damage to the ground
- Monsters have more change of spawning in front of the player, when moving (easier to hunt, harder to escape)
- full UI graphic makeover
- 2 new artworks (home screen backgrounds)
- Improved texts visibility
- Fix electricy bugs: signal powered items caused some bug in some electricity network configuration
- Fix spike turret (target ground monsters much better)
- Repaired blocks stop burning after being repaired
- Fix Load/Save and Help panel titles
- Fix some bug in minimap player coordinates
- Update French, English, Russian, Polish, Dutch localization
- Lots of typo fixes
- Game still visible if out of focus (if you have clicked on a 2nd screen)
- And a great lot of various bug fixes and improvements I forgot to add here...