====Bread====Robin:I have to take this to grandma!Rose: I must take this to grandmother rightaway.Ginger: Guess I have to take this to grandma's, sigh. Ruby: This is forthe old lady, I suppose.Carmen: I have to take this to grandmother, hopefullythis won't take long.Scarlet: This is for our dear grandmother. 面包: Robin:我要把它带给外祖母! Rose:我必须马上把它带给外祖母。 Ginger:我想我要把它带去外祖母家,唉。 Ruby:我想这是给老太太的。 Carmen:我要把它带给外祖母,希望这不会花太多时间。 Scarlet:这是给我们亲爱的外祖母的、 ====Wine====Robin: This is very smelly.Grown-ups have weird tastes.Rose: I hope grandmother doesn't drink toomuch.Ginger: This will make grandma sing again! Haha!Ruby: This is forgrandmother. I hope I get a sip too.Carmen: I hear this is good for theheart.Scarlet: Use in moderation to ease anxiety. 葡萄酒: Robin:这可真难闻。成年人品味真奇怪。 Rose:我希望外祖母不会喝太多。 Ginger:这会让外祖母再次嗡嗡叫!哈哈! Ruby:这是给外祖母的。我也希望能小喝一口。 Carmen:我听说这对心脏有帮助。 Scarlet:适当使用可以缓解焦虑。 ====Knife====Robin: I'll have to be very carefulwith this and not run anymore.Rose: Better take this knife before anyone getshurt.Ginger: Aha! A knife! This could come in handy!Ruby: Cut my veins and makeme bleed. A valley or an ocean. Desire or need?Carmen: Let's carve a heart in atree! But with whose initials?Scarlet: Looks like a clean blade for choppingvegetables. 小刀: Robin:我带着它必须非常小心,不能随便跑动。 Rose:再有人被弄伤之前,最好把这把小刀拿走。 Ginger:啊哈!一把小刀!这肯定非常的合手! Ruby:割开我的静脉,让我流血。汇成溪谷或者海洋。这是欲望还是需求呢? Carmen:让我们在树上刻一颗心!但是把我的名字与谁的刻在一起呢? Scarlet:这看起来像把干净的切菜刀。 ====Silver Bullet====Robin: A silver bullet: howpretty!Rose: One less bullet means one less death.Ginger: I bet I can make thisexplode somehow.Ruby: Guns are just boring. Wish people still fought withswords and spears.Carmen: A bullet? With my name on it? Alas!Scarlet: Bulletholes in the wall. Shells on the floor. Where's the rest of the building? 银色子弹: Robin:一颗银色的子弹。真闪亮! Rose:少一颗子弹,多一条生命。 Ginger:我打赌我可以用某种方式让它爆炸。 Ruby:枪是单调的。我更希望人们仍然使用剑和矛来战斗。 Carmen:一颗子弹?我的名字刻在里面?哎。 Scarlet:墙壁上的弹孔。弹壳留在地上。但墙壁的剩余部分在哪里?
====Feather====Robin:I can make a pretty present with this feather.Rose: The poor thing. What evilpowers tormented this creature?Ginger: A feather for my collection!Ruby: One more oil victim put out of its misery. Ishould be so lucky.Carmen: Oh gross! Who would slaughter a bird inthe middle of the forest?Scarlet: I wish I had time to clean up this mess. 乌鸦羽毛: Robin:我可以用它做一个不错的礼物。 Rose:可怜的小家伙。是什么灾祸折磨了你? Ginger:它可以作为我的收藏品! Ruby:又一只可怜的乌鸦摆脱了痛苦。我应该感到庆幸。 Carmen:天哪,真痛苦!谁会在森林中央忍心屠宰一只无辜的小鸟? Scarlet:我希望我有时间清理一下这里的混乱。 ====Mask====Robin: Carnival is the bestholiday!Rose: For Halloween I always dress up as an endangered species.Ginger:Nobody will recognize me with this mask on.Ruby: Does this mask have pins onthe inside?Carmen: So pretty. I bet this mask is really expensive.Scarlet:Everybody hides their true face. That's probably for the best. 面具: Robin:嘉年华是最好的节日! Rose:我经常为了庆祝万圣节打扮成濒危物种。 Ginger:没有人会认出戴了面具的我。 Ruby:这副面具里面有饰针吗? Carmen:多漂亮啊。我打赌这副面具一定很昂贵。 Scarlet:每个人都藏起了自己真实的容貌。而面具是最好的工具。 ====Dead Chick====Robin: Young dead bird. Notme.Rose: The little thing fell out of the nest. Was it trying to fly? If I hadwings, I'd probably try that too.Ginger: I don't think this is edibleanymore.Ruby: Skulls and bones make such captivating jewelery!Carmen: Animalsare so cruel, pushing each other out of the nest.Scarlet: You have to break theegg to make an omelet. 死鸟: Robin:英年早逝的鸟。它与我不同。 Rose:这个小家伙从巢中掉了下来。是它尝试飞翔的时候吗?如果我也有一双翅膀,我也会像它这样做。 Ginger:我并不认为它还可以继续被食用。 Ruby:头骨和骨骼造就了这样迷人的珠宝! Carmen:动物们真是太残酷了,推搡着其他生物,逼迫除己以外的生物坠亡。 Scarlet:你做煎蛋卷的话需要先打破蛋。 ====Jewels====Robin: I can buy all the toys inthe world with this treasure!Rose: I'll take this to give to those inneed.Ginger: Pirate Ginger finds a treasure!Ruby: What's the point of wantinganything if you can't have everything?Carmen: If I get rich, I wouldn't need tomarry a millionaire. I could choose whomever I want.Scarlet: This diamond isundoubtedly fake. 钻石: Robin:我可以用这个珍宝买下世界上所有的玩偶! Rose:我会把它送给那些需要它的人。 Ginger:海盗Ginger找到了一个宝藏! Ruby:既然你不能拥有一切,想要什么又有什么意义? Carmen:如果我发财了,我就不需要嫁给一个百万富翁了。我可以选择一个我真正喜欢的人。 Scarlet:这个钻石毋庸置疑是假的。
====Syringe====Robin:Yum! Candy!Rose: Somebody is sick. Where are they now? Perhaps they need theirmedicine.Ginger: This could be an interesting tool for my secret lab.Ruby: I'lltake the path of needles any day.Carmen: Guess it's not safe to trythis.Scarlet: Junkies. They're everywhere. This needle won't send any poordevil to his fate anymore. 注射器: Robin:嗯,糖果味的! Rose:有一些人生病了。但他们现在在哪里?他们或许需要他们的药物。 Ginger:这可以成为我秘密实验室里的一个很有趣的工具。 Ruby:我每天都需要用到针。 Carmen:我想尝试它不是很安全。 Scarlet:瘾君子在任何一个地方。但这个针头并不会再次给予那些可怜人什么可怕的命运。 ====TeddyBear.====Robin: A teddy bear! A big and soft and warm teddy bear!Rose: People love animals so much that they make fake ones justto cuddle.Ginger: Hello little bear, you can be my sidekick!Ruby: Two heads on one bear. Makes sense to me.Carmen: Male andfemale were once one. Separated, we roam the earth in search of our missinghalf.Scarlet: Silly children taking their toys to the forest. Things get losthere all the time. 双头泰迪熊: Robin:一个泰迪熊!一个又大又软又温暖的泰迪熊! Rose:人们多么喜爱动物啊,以至于他们制作假的动物只是为了拥抱它们。 Ginger:你好呀,小熊。你可以成为我的搭档! Ruby:双头的泰迪熊。对我而言极为有意义。 Carmen:男人和女人曾经是一体的。但后来因为分离,我们被迫在地球上寻找我们遗失的另一半。 Scarlet:傻孩子将它们的玩偶带到森林。东西总是会在森林中迷失。 ====Old Shoe====Robin: I can run really fastwith a boot like this. Or at least pretend to.Rose: I hope the person who lost this shoe does not have blisterson his foot now.Ginger: I can keep my pebbles in this.Ruby: One shoe. Nobody ever loses one shoe. Unless they also losea leg. Or die.Carmen: Not my style. Not my style at all. Not my sizeeither.Scarlet: What's next? A jacket? A sweater? Underwear scattered around?People can be so primitive. 旧靴子: Robin:我可以用这样一双靴子跑得很快。或者至少假装可以这样、 Rose:我希望丢失这只靴子的人现在脚上不会有水泡。 Ginger:我可以将我的小石头放进去保存。 Ruby:一只鞋。没人曾只丢一只鞋。除非他们也失了一条腿,或者步入了尘埃。 Carmen:这并不是我喜欢的样式。也不是我的风格,更不是我的尺寸。 Scarlet:下一个会是什么?夹克衫?毛衣?随手丢内衣?人怎么可以如此原始。 ====VinylRecord====Robin: Singing. Howling. Ringing. Moon.Rose: Spinning around and around and around. Dizzy high up in theair.Ginger: If I throw this on the wind, I bet it would fly really far.Ruby: I prefer my music engraved in black.Carmen: Let's get theparty started! I have the music. Where's the beer?Scarlet: I hope this plays onour stereo. I adore this interpretation. 黑胶唱片: Robin:歌唱。啸鸣。鸣叫。虚度的方式。 Rose:旋转,让自己头晕目眩 Ginger:如果我将它抛出去,我打赌它可以飞得很远。 Ruby:我更喜欢将我的音乐刻在黑胶唱片上。 Carmen:让我们开始派对吧!我有唱片,谁有啤酒! Scarlet:我希望这场演奏能使用我们的立体音响。我极喜欢这种演出
====Flowers====Robin:A flower for Rose and a flower for Carmen, a flower for Scarletand a flower for Grandma.Rose: Grandmother will love these flowers.Ginger: If Iget rid of the flowers, nobody can hide here anymore. My all seeing eye willsee from very far away.Ruby: Flowers like these only last for a short while after theyare picked.Carmen: Flowers. Wish somebody would give some to me.Scarlet: I feelsilly picking these. But flowers can really brighten up a place. Robin:一朵花给Rose,一朵花给Carmen,一朵花给Scarlet,还有一朵外祖母。 Rose:外祖母一定会喜欢这些花的。 Ginger:如果我除去所有的花,那么就没有人可以再藏在这里了。 Ruby:像这样的花在被采摘后只能存在一会。 Carmen:花朵。希望有人能送我一些。 Scarlet:我感觉采摘它们很傻。但花确实可以让一个地方明亮起来。 ====Balloon====Robin: Is this the balloon that Ilost on my birthday?Rose: If this balloon did not have a string, it would simplyfloat away. 气球: Robin:这是我在生日遗失的气球吗? Rose:如果这些气球没有绳子束缚,那它们可以很简单地漂离。 ====Piano==== Rose: I am a little bird. Making sweet forest music. Floating onthe waves of sound. 钢琴: Rose:我是一只小鸟。鸣唱着甜美的森林乐声。漂浮在声音的海浪上。 ====Playground Tower====Rose: I'm too heavy. Or too weak. Will I ever get up?Ginger: Ican see everything here. And no one can get to me.Ruby: I must be getting old. It's about time!Carmen: Look at thisgorgeous woman! How can you resist? 游乐塔: Rose:我要么太重要么太虚弱了。我良好的状态还会再次出现吗? Ginger:我可以在这里看见一切。没有人可以接触到我。 Ruby:我一定是老了。因为时间! Carmen:看看这位华丽的女士吧!你怎么能忍受住自己的冲动呢? ====Bunker====Ginger: Another masterpiece, signed Ginger!Ruby: Paint drips like tears. Gravity pulls everything down. It'sonly natural. 碉堡: Ginger:又一个杰作,让我写下我的名字,Ginger! Ruby:喷漆水就像眼泪。地心引力让万物坠落。这就是自然。 ====Grave====Robin:Dear Lord. Make heaven be a fun place. Amen. Ruby: Lifeis such a terrible waste. 坟丘: Robin:亲爱的主啊。让天堂成为一个欢乐的净土吧。阿门。 Ruby:生命是如此的多余。 ====ShallowGrave====Robin: Digging in the dirt. Getting dirty nails. Scratching in thegrave. Dirty dirty dirt. 浅坑: Robin:挖去泥土,使手变脏。只为刨开坟墓。肮脏的土地。 ====Swing====Robin:Tickles in my belly. Cuddles in the wind. 秋千: Robin:拥抱轻风,瘙痒我的腹。 ====ShoppingCart====Robin: I'm a kid, I'm a kid, I'm a little kid! And I play, and I play,in my little way! Buy me now at discount prices! 购物车: Robin:我是个孩子,我是个孩子,只是个小孩子!我在玩,我在玩,用我独特的小方式!但是现在购买我可是打折哦。 ====Raven====Rose: Black dress. Bitter voice. All you need is a little care. And you'll feelbetter. 乌鸦:黑色的裙摆。仇恨的嗓音。你需要的只是一点小小的照料。这样你就会舒服很多了。 ====Skull====Rose:The dead go in the dirt while their souls fly to the sky. 头盖骨: Rose:死去的人躯壳步入尘埃,灵魂升入天空。 ====Well====Rose: Deep inside everybody is a dream. 井: Rose:每个人的内心深处都有一个美好的小小愿望。 ====Hole inFence====Ginger: You cannot stop me. I am never still. 栅栏中的洞: Ginger:你不能够阻止我。我从不停滞不前。 ====Climbing Tree==== Ginger: Small things movefast. Now you see me. Now you don't. 树: Ginger:小东西总是移动的很快。你或许刚才看得见我,但现在呢? ====Shack====Ginger:There is always a door. And a door can be either open or shut. The differenceis me! 小屋: Ginger:这里总会有一扇门。一扇门可以是打开的也可以是关闭的。它们的是否不同取决于我! ====Wheelchair====Ruby:Sitting on wheels. Paralyzed soul. Nowhere to go. Fast. 轮椅: Ruby:坐在轮椅上的人,灵魂也即将瘫痪。那时便无处可去,很快了。
====Pumpkin====Ruby:If you give me your head, you will please me so much more. Froma silver platter, I shall eat you! 南瓜: Ruby:如果你愿意把你的头割下给我,你会让我变得更高兴。我会把你放在银白色浅盘上吃掉! ====Car====Ruby: Engines. And friends. Turn themon. Turn them off. Life. Death. Are they so different? 车: Ruby:引擎。朋友。打开它,关闭它。生存或者灭亡,又有何不同? ====Camp Fire====Carmen: The warm glow caressesmy skin. Peels me layer by layer. Until I am pure. For you. 营火: Carmen:这温暖的鲜艳色彩抚摸着我的肌肤。一层又一层减少遮挡。直到我成为你的纯粹。 ====Beer====Carmen: Fresh out and warm in.Spinning head and bubbling blood. 啤酒:打开它,温暖自己的身躯。直到头晕目眩,血液微微起泡。 Carmen: ====Bath Tub====Carmen: A little bit of soap.And a lot of warm and wet. Never alone anymore. 浴缸: Carmen:一点点的肥皂和大量温暖的水。这样就不会再次孤单。 ====Spiderweb====Scarlet: The panic that consumesyou is the fear of order. 蜘蛛网: Scarlet:来自秩序的恐慌会像蜡烛一样燃尽你的生命。 ====Television====Scarlet: Chaos awaits orderlike you await me. Let me silence this madness and sing for thee. 电视: Scarlet:混乱等待指引就像你等待我。让我让这场疯狂沉寂,并为你歌唱。 ====Clothes Line====Scarlet: Get dirty to beclean. No light without darkness. A tear and a smile. 晾衣绳: Scarlet:把脏的变成净的。没有光能离开黑暗。就像笑与哭必须相互依存。
森林静坐 Scarlet:I don't understand people who think natural lovely。It's messy and it smells and it makes you get lost. 我并不理解为何人们认为自然美妙。它不过是一场坍圮,不但恶臭也让你迷失。 墓地 Scarlet:There's six fresh graves.One of them is empty.I wonder who it is for. 这里有六个新鲜的坟坑,其实一个还是空的。真希望是献给哪个可怜的人。 营地 Scarlet:Is anybody here?Some prople are just so.They set up their tents and then run away?What happened here? 这有人吗?有些人就是这样。但他们仅仅把营地建好就离开了?发生了什么? 剧场 剧场:Art is where the nobility of humanity is expressed.I could not live in a world without it. 艺术是表达人性高贵的地方。我不能存活在一个没有它的世界。