性 别:男
民 族:汉
职 称:副教授
学 位:博士
电 话:
2009/02——2010/02:南非Tshwane University of Technology,Department ofElectrical Engineering
学科方向: 机场节能减排设备与系统关键技术,机场设备关键技术,电力负载优化和电力故障诊断,智能优化理论,工业控制等
[1]Chun-Guo Fei,Rui Wang, Using phase swapping to solveload phase balancing by ADSCHNN in LV distribution network[J]. InternationalJournal of Control and Automation, 2014, 7(7): 1-14. (SCI检索)
[2] Chunguo Fei,Rui Wang,Weixing Chen等., UltrasonicC-scan image evaluation system for electric contacts with model and featureselection[J]. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2015, 17(5-6):806-815.(EI检索)
[3] Fei Chunguoand Su Baili, Adding decaying self-feedback continuous Hopfield neural networkconvergence analysis in the hyper-cube space [J], Neural Network World. 22(4):343-355, 2012. (SCI检索)(EI检索)
[4]Fei Chunguo,Han Zhengzhi, Liu Qingkun. Ultrasonic flaw classification of seafloor petroleumtransporting pipeline based on chaotic genetic algorithm and SVM [J], Journalof X-Ray Science and Technology. 14(1): 1-9, 2006.(SCI检索)(EI检索)
[5]Fei Chunguo,Han Zhengzhi, Dong Jianping. Ultrasonic flaw classification system with MSCGAand SVM and application to petroleum transporting pipelines [J], RussianJournal of Nondestructive Testing. 42(3): 190-197,2006. (SCI检索)(EI检索)
[6]Fei Chunguo,Solving load phase balancing problem in LV distribution networks by chaoticsimulated annealing [J], Advanced Material Research. 463-464: 689-693, 2012. (EI检索)
[7]Fei Chunguoand Su Baili, Overhead line fault location using wavelet packet decompositionand support vector regression, Advanced Materials Research. 516-517: 1396-1399,2012. (EI检索)
[8]R. Wang, W.S. Gray, and O. R. González, “Experimental validation of a performance modelfor a distributed recoverable Boeing 747 flight control system subject todigital upsets,”[C] in Proc. 43nd IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory,Auburn, Alabama, pp. 13-19, 2011. (EI检索)
[9]Fei Chunguo,Han Zhengzhi. A novel chaotic optimization algorithm and its applications [J],Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 17(2): 254-258, 2010. (EI检索)
[10]Fei Chunguoand Ding Fang, Solving the load balancing problem by adding decaying continuousHopfield neural network [C], in 2012 2nd International Conference on AppliedRobotics for the Power Industry, CARPI 2012, September 11, 2012 - September 13,2012, Zurich, Switzerland, 276-279, 2012. (EI检索)
[11]W. S. Gray,R. Wang, O. R. González, and J. R. Chávez-Fuentes, “Tracking performanceanalysis of a distributed recoverable Boeing 747 flight control system subjectto digital upsets,”[C] in Proc. 2010 IEEE American Control Conference,Baltimore, Maryland, pp. 548-554, 2010. (EI检索)
[12]W. S. Gray,R. Wang, and O. R. González, “A performance model for a distributed flight control system subject to randomupsets,”[C] in Proc. 2008 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, San Antonio,Texas, pp. 918-923, 2008. (EI检索)
[13]Fei Chunguo,Qi Guoyuan, Adisa Jimoh. Adding decaying self-feedback continuous Hopfieldneural network and its application to TSP [J]. International Review ofModelling and Simulations. 3(3): 272-282, 2010.
[14]Fei ChunguoXinlong Zhao, Fang Ding. Network partition of switched industrial Ethernet byusing novel particle swarm optimization [C]. 2010 International Conference onServices Science Management and Engineering SSME2010,272-275, Tianjin, 2010
[15]费春国, 韩正之. 一种改进的混沌优化算法[J], 控制理论与应用. 2006, 23(3):471-474. (EI检索)
[16]费春国, 韩正之, 唐厚君. 不一致连续Hopfield网络及其应用[J], 上海交通大学学报. 2006, 40(11):1971-1975. (EI检索)
[17]费春国, 韩正之, 唐厚君. 自适应混合混沌神经网络及其在TSP中的应用[J], 系统仿真学报. 2006, 18(12):3459-3462. (EI检索)
[18]费春国, 韩正之. 一种新混沌优化方法及在神经网络中的应用[J], 系统仿真学报. 2005, 17(4):812-814. (EI检索)
[1] 国家自然科学基金资助项目,非线性系统的NvBA镇定及其在低维系统的设计(60674024),2007-01至2009-12,参与。
[2] 南非国家Eskom TESP基金项目,Automatic powerelectronic load balancer for distribution feeder and network reconfiguration,2009-02至2010-02,参与。
[3] 美国宇航局NASA资助项目,Design andAnalysis of Recoverable Flight Control Systems for Harsh Environments(NNX07AD52A),2007-02至-2011-01,参与。
[3] 南非国家研究基金项目-NRF,Fault Diagnosisand Condition Monitoring of Power System(ICD200607170059),2009-02至2010-02,参与。
[4] 中央高校基本科研项目,机场低压配电网单项负载平衡优化研究(ZXH2010D005),2010至2014,主持。
[5] 中国民航局局本级项目,高压供电线路距民用机场最短距离的确定(5210202020257)2012年至2015,参与。
我眼中的导师 阳光普照,园丁心坎春意浓。雨露滋润,桃李枝头蓓蕾红。
四月的春天,花若丹然,叶若翠碧。踩着满地金黄的窸窣阳光,嗅着惹人醉意的浅浅花香,我们在研究生生涯的每一个脚印里写下每一个值得纪念的时光和过往。如果说,有个地方记录了我们青春的生命印记,中航大应该算是;如果说,有个人在我们的生命里扮演着什么重要的角色,导师应该算是。我的导师费春国,是我心目中的“好导师”,可是,对于他的评价,又岂是这一个“好”字就能全部包含的呢? 就航大的整个导师队伍来说,费春国老师算是很年轻却颇有成就的一位,用“年轻有为”来形容一点儿都不夸张。