Celestia chips a small piece of rock gingerly from the wall of the dungeon.
Instead of using magic, she is lying on the icy, damp floor, chiseling with her own horn. Maybe it would feel better if she digs with hooves, but she need her horn, which is more sensitive to touch and algesthesia, to feel the texture and material of the wall. Soon her fragile horn gets rubbed raw and stained with blood. But it doesn’t matter, she is feeling the tactility of the wall attentively, which is dank like the ground but crude as gravel. It’s limestone. At least, this part of the wall is made of limestone.
她小心翼翼地避免使用魔法,而是躺在冰冷潮湿的地面上,用自己的角一点一点地戳击。也许用蹄子会好一点,但她需对痛觉和触觉更为敏感的独角来感受墙面的材质。很快,她那脆弱的独角已被磨破,渗出血。但这并不影响什么, 她用心感受角与墙面接触时的触感,那种与地面同样潮湿,但却如同砂砾般粗糙的质感。石灰石,至少这一片墙面,使用的石灰石。
The whole dungeon is a huge cavity excavated underground, built exclusively for holding unicorns. For capital felony committed unicorns, she is clear about that. Over the past several hours, Celestia has recognised the component materials of the rest parts of this cell, which are all sturdy rocks. Except this wall. Limestone is a kind of friable stone, which is easy to dig into with a tunnelling spell.
But the next minute she has realised the intention of this arrangement. these soft materials is a gain medium of the buried lazurite inside. She sighed wearily, the voice sounds heavy and gruff in the gloomy cell.
Once there is a unicorn dare attempt tunnelling through the dungeon with the spell, that blue stone with navy grain would release a magic retroaction, which is strong enough to snap that unicorn’s horn.
Or snap it’s neck, which is unlikely though.
Nevertheless, the walls are just one small part of the obstacle to her escape plan. For magic defence, there is not only lazurite in this cell, but also a huge amount of magic traps. With a little observation, the pink mane unicorn has noticed a concealed ward on the door. Keen as she is, she could only deduce the existence of the ward by a tinge of unnatural colour and lustre. The exact position and result if triggered however, still remains unknown to her.


Celestia chips a small piece of rock gingerly from the wall of the dungeon.
Instead of using magic, she is lying on the icy, damp floor, chiseling with her own horn. Maybe it would feel better if she digs with hooves, but she need her horn, which is more sensitive to touch and algesthesia, to feel the texture and material of the wall. Soon her fragile horn gets rubbed raw and stained with blood. But it doesn’t matter, she is feeling the tactility of the wall attentively, which is dank like the ground but crude as gravel. It’s limestone. At least, this part of the wall is made of limestone.
她小心翼翼地避免使用魔法,而是躺在冰冷潮湿的地面上,用自己的角一点一点地戳击。也许用蹄子会好一点,但她需对痛觉和触觉更为敏感的独角来感受墙面的材质。很快,她那脆弱的独角已被磨破,渗出血。但这并不影响什么, 她用心感受角与墙面接触时的触感,那种与地面同样潮湿,但却如同砂砾般粗糙的质感。石灰石,至少这一片墙面,使用的石灰石。
The whole dungeon is a huge cavity excavated underground, built exclusively for holding unicorns. For capital felony committed unicorns, she is clear about that. Over the past several hours, Celestia has recognised the component materials of the rest parts of this cell, which are all sturdy rocks. Except this wall. Limestone is a kind of friable stone, which is easy to dig into with a tunnelling spell.
But the next minute she has realised the intention of this arrangement. these soft materials is a gain medium of the buried lazurite inside. She sighed wearily, the voice sounds heavy and gruff in the gloomy cell.
Once there is a unicorn dare attempt tunnelling through the dungeon with the spell, that blue stone with navy grain would release a magic retroaction, which is strong enough to snap that unicorn’s horn.
Or snap it’s neck, which is unlikely though.
Nevertheless, the walls are just one small part of the obstacle to her escape plan. For magic defence, there is not only lazurite in this cell, but also a huge amount of magic traps. With a little observation, the pink mane unicorn has noticed a concealed ward on the door. Keen as she is, she could only deduce the existence of the ward by a tinge of unnatural colour and lustre. The exact position and result if triggered however, still remains unknown to her.