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62. The truly spiritual and consciousness-related aspirant is like a notable artist: 62. 真正的精神和意識相關的追求者就像一個值得注意的藝術家:
63. Of a tender consciousness, of a gentle being, full of love, knowledge, wisdom and great sense, he has the highest sensitivity for truth, balance, beauty, and spiritual as well as consciousness-related progress. 63. 有一個溫柔的意識,一個溫和的生命,充滿愛、知識、智慧和極好的感知,他對真理、平衡、美麗和靈性以及意識方面的發展有著最高的敏感度。
64. His life is controlled, purified, and sublime, and his perspectives are very broad. 64. 他的生命得到控制、淨化和昇華,而且他的視角非常廣闊。
65. His whole sense is magnanimous, and beauty expresses itself in his simple life full of high dignity. 65. 他的整體感覺坦蕩蕩,而在他充滿高貴的簡單生命中美麗自會展示。
66. His inner peace holds a beauty, which no artist can paint and no poet can describe in words. 66. 他內心的平靜擁有一種美,沒有藝術家可以畫出來,也沒有詩人可以用言語形容。
67. His spiritual and consciousness-related purity has an attraction force, which can't be expressed by any music, no matter how harmonious. 67. 他的精神和意識相關的純度有一種吸引力,不能用任何音樂表達,無論多麼的和諧。
68. His security can be on an equal footing with nothing, and no end to his striving and goal can be set by any boundaries. 68. 沒有任何東西可以與他的安全感立於同等地位,他的奮鬥和目標永無止境。
69. His wisdom is an ever-present light, which shines in the deepest darkness. 69. 他的智慧是永存的光,在最深處的黑暗中閃耀。
70. It is not like a light of a day, which can be overwhelmed by the darkness of the night. 70. 它並不像日光,可以由夜間的黑暗所淹沒。
71. It is also not like the light of a great human thinker, which just always fails, often doing this right when he needs it the most. 71. 它也不像一個偉大的人類思想家的光,總會失敗,經常在他最需要它的時候才做得對。
72. His presence is a ubiquitous outpouring of eternity, which never passes away, while the aroma of the most beautiful and most fragrant rose or orchid of the world fades away and disappears in the times of the endless. 72. 他的存在是永恆無處不在的流露,當世界上最美麗和最芳香的玫瑰或蘭花的香氣消逝與失去在無盡的時間中,它也永遠不會逝去。
73. It is absolutely untrue that the human being is the measure of all things, for the measure of all things is the spirit. 73. 人類是萬物的量度單位這是絕對不準確的,對於萬物的尺度乃是靈魂。
74. The human being himself is a very multi-layered being, and his various shrouds conceal other parts of his real personality. 74. 人類本身是一個非常多層次的存在,他的各種護罩掩蓋其真實個性的其他部分。
75. He can identify well with his coarse-material, physical body and can meet its needs, and he can equate himself with the conscious understanding or can feel his oneness with the real self of himself, which is the eternal, imperishable witness of both, but to create himself, he cannot do. 75. 他能用他粗糙的物質、肉體很好地辨別,並能滿足它的需要,而且他可以把自己與意識的理解看作等同,或者可以用自己真正的自我感受他的同一性,這是永恆、不朽兩者的見證,但自己去創造,他做不到。
76. All the vital intentions - no matter how valuable they may be in their human places - cannot, in the long run, keep the being of consciousness under their enslavement or subjugate him, without bringing his most inherent personality into complete disorder. 76. 所有至關重要的意圖──無論它們在它們的人類地方可能多麼有價值──從長遠來看,都不能在他們的奴役之下保持意識的存在或征服他,而沒有把他最內在的個性帶進完全的混亂中。
77. In the non-creational-thinking human being, the material intellect, with all its given limitations, takes the highest place and thereby has as a consequence a tremendously slow development of the spirit and the consciousness. 77. 在非創造思維的人類中,那物質的智力,及其所有既定的限制,佔領最高地,因此有一個極度緩慢的精神和意識發展作為結果。
78. The spiritual intellect must be developed by the consciousness quite deliberately, for it isn't enough to think that it would move by itself into higher forms. 78. 靈性的智慧必須相當刻意地由意識發展,因為覺得它會自行移動到更高形態中這樣想並不足夠。
79. The human-material intellect can only move in a vicious circle of possibilities. 79. 人類的物質智力只能以一個可能性的惡性循環移動。
80. It always remains stuck on the surface of an object and cannot penetrate into the same and become one with it, for without a complete identity with the object, the knowledge of it is absolutely impossible. 80. 它總是仍然停留在一個物體的表面,而無法進到相同的,並成為它的一部分,因為就那物體而言沒有一個完整的一致性,它的知識是絕對不可能的。
81. Therefore, if a human being wants to know his fellow human beings, then he must be able to identify with these. 81. 因此,如果一個人想了解他的人類同胞,那麼他一定能夠以此識別。
82. And if a human being wants to know a matter, then he must also be able to identify with this. 82. 而如果一個人類想知道一件事,那麼他一定也要能夠以此識別。
83. The material intellect accepts the testimony of the material senses and their resulting conclusions but rejects the deepest subjective intuitions. 83. 物質的智力接受物質感官的證據及它們產生的結論,但卻拒絕最深層的主觀直覺。
84. Deep insight reveals to the human being the knowledge that there is something more in him than what his usual consciousness mediates to him, something that is the source of all thoughts, perceptions, and feelings, a finer consciousness-related and spiritual presence, which always leaves him unsatisfied with merely material efforts. 84. 深邃的洞察力向人類揭示知識,相比他平常的意識傳達給他的有更多東西在他裡面,乃是一些所有思想、觀念和感覺的泉源,一種更精細的意識相關和精神的存在,僅僅用物質努力它總是讓他得不到滿足。
85. The doctrine - that the usual material state of the human being is not the real and final stage of life, that he has a deeper, more penetrating life in life itself, a true self, an immortal spirit, a light that can never be extinguished by anything - has occupied the thinkers of all times and all universes across all great times over and over again. 85. 該學說是──人類平常的物質狀態不是真正和最終階段,他有一個更深、更具洞察力的生命在生命本身中,一個真實的自我,一個不朽的靈魂,一道永遠不能被任何東西熄滅的光──已經佔據了古往今來和所有宇宙的思想家跨越所有大時代一次又一次。
86. All great thinkers of all universes raise the unanimous demand over and over again to become acquainted with the real self, the life of life itself. 86. 所有宇宙的所有偉大思想家翻來覆去提出一致的要求,去熟悉真實的自我,生命本身的生命。
87. While the bodily organism changes each moment and the thoughts surge up like gusts of wind and disappear again, the real spiritual self is never lost. 87. 當肉體的有機體每一刻在改變,思想像陣風驟增並再次消失,真正的精神自我卻永不丟失。
88. It permeates absolutely everything, even though it is fundamentally different from everything, for its form is purely spiritual. 88. 它滲透絕對的一切,即使它與一切完全不同,它的形式是純粹精神的。
89. It is the basic source of all perceptions of identity through countless transformations. 89. 它是所有身份認知的基本來源,透過無數次的轉換。
90. It takes up, in any manner and form, all things into itself and yet always remains itself - unchangeable and in the eternal symmetry of its own size. 90. 它以任何方式和形式把所有東西帶到自身當中,可是始終保持自己──不變,並在其自身大小的永恆對稱中。
91. It is an invariable size within the manifold activities of the Universe and the universes in general. 91. 一般而言,它在宇宙和眾宇宙的各樣活動中是一個不變的大小。
92. The human-restricted personality is only conscious from time to time; in between, there are large gaps in consciousness. 92. 人類受限的個性只有不時才有意識;在中間,在意識中有巨大差距 。
93. But even when death reaches the human being, the seer and recognizer in him, the spirit, cannot die, for as a fragment of the Creation, it is of eternal duration, like also the overall consciousness block. 93. 而即使死亡觸及人類時,在他內裡的觀看者與識別者,那靈魂,不會死,為了作為「創造」的一塊碎片,它永恆,就像總體意識塊一樣。
94. On the objective side, nothing can touch the observant, subjective self. 94. 在客觀方面,沒有任何東西可以觸碰這善於觀察、主觀的自我。
95. This self, existing for eternal times, which is the life of life itself, cannot be proven materially because it is of a purely spiritual form and nature, but it requires no proof for a rational being because the spirit itself is its own proof. 95. 這自我,永恆存在,這就是生命本身的生命,無法在物質上得到證明,因為它是一種純粹的精神形式和性質,但它並不需要為一個理性的存在去證明,因為靈魂本身就是它自己的證明。
96. Hence, only beings living in poverty of consciousness demand proofs for the existence of the spirit, for in their primitive thinking, they cannot recognize its existence from the spiritual acts and occurrences. 96. 因此,只有意識貧乏的生命需要為了靈魂存在去證明,因為在他們原始的思維中,他們無法從精神上的行為和發生的事識別其存在。

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