Worst Movies of 2015 Accidental Love with Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Biel
4. Accidental Love
What’s the opposite of Joy? How about the other David O. Russell movie from 2015? Despite landing Jake Gyllenhaal, Jessica Biel, and Catherine Keener (all looking like they’re trapped in a perp walk here), Russell took his name off this toothless send-up of America’s health care system shot back in 2008. Smart move. Not only because this poorly patched-together mess was completed by others, but also because it’s so witless even its 7 percent Rotten Tomatoes score seems a tad high.
4. Accidental Love
What’s the opposite of Joy? How about the other David O. Russell movie from 2015? Despite landing Jake Gyllenhaal, Jessica Biel, and Catherine Keener (all looking like they’re trapped in a perp walk here), Russell took his name off this toothless send-up of America’s health care system shot back in 2008. Smart move. Not only because this poorly patched-together mess was completed by others, but also because it’s so witless even its 7 percent Rotten Tomatoes score seems a tad high.