大祭司约书亚吧 关注:18贴子:248
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IP属地:广东1楼2016-03-05 18:06回复

    IP属地:广东2楼2016-03-05 18:06

      IP属地:广东3楼2016-03-05 18:06
        (Q) Is the mark of Ra-Ta the most expedient point through which an individual entity may attune itself with the spiritual or psychic or Creative Forces?
        (A)This is not to be confused with that which is the perfect understanding of the law of the Lord. For, Ra-Ta was not a lord, not a god, but a teacher, an instructor, an interpreter; and an individual entity that would still hold to an ideal, or an idea of an ideal.
        And, as has been indicated to this entity, this is and should be considered as being true respecting ANY teacher, any interpreter, - save Him who IS the way, the truth and the light. While each teacher is in a manner a director, the individual entity may only be a means - NOT a way of life, see? ----READING 2072-10

        IP属地:广东6楼2016-03-05 18:07
          “we would give counsel to those and to the entity who have tasted, who have felt, who have known within themselves that He is the Way, He is the Truth, the Light, and no other name is given under heaven whereby man may be made whole, or whereby man may know his true relationships to God. ”--(1152-3)

          IP属地:广东7楼2016-03-05 18:08
            Know, then, that as He had His cross, so have you. May you take it with a smile. You can, if ye will let Him bear it with thee. Do it.

            IP属地:广东9楼2016-03-05 18:09
              No matter what others may say, keep the face to the light - and the shadows will fall behind.

              IP属地:广东11楼2016-03-05 18:09
                Do ye seek Glory? Then ye must be willing to suffer; and if ye count thy suffering, thy disappointments, thy heartaches, thy misunderstandings, as judgments upon thee, ye are unwise. For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth and purgeth every one, that ye may bring forth fruit in DUE SEASON!
                你在寻求荣耀吗?那么你必须要愿意遭受患难;如果你把你的患难,你的失望,你的悲痛,你的误解,看作是对你的审判,那么你是不明智的。因为凡上主所爱的,他必管教(惩戒)和净化每一位,以致你们可以在适当的季节结出果子来! (译注:引自《希伯来书》12:6 )--(262-107)

                IP属地:广东12楼2016-03-05 18:09
                  When thy friends, when thy family, when thy brother would cast thee out, yea and condemn thee - THEN the Lord will bear thee up.

                  IP属地:广东13楼2016-03-05 18:10
                    So, each in their respective lives, their own experiences, find their cross overcoming the world, overcoming those things, those conditions, those experiences, that would not only enable them to meet the issues of life but to become heirs with Him of the Crown of Glory.

                    IP属地:广东14楼2016-03-05 18:12
                      This is not indicating that the entity is to be long-faced or be sad about its choices of activity, but rather be happy, be joyous, be glad! For the Lord will not withhold any good thing from those who love His coming and who prepare for it in the minds and hearts of others.

                      IP属地:广东15楼2016-03-05 18:12

                        20楼2018-04-03 21:46