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除夕的夜里,被遗忘在 密室里的他再也无法忍受饥饿的煎熬,他对这个国家绝望了。
他用颤抖的手撕下了那 份函数表,塞进了嘴里,吞进了胃里,在短暂的一刻,饥饿得到了缓解。在吞食异物造 成的胃绞痛袭来之前,他咬牙用钢笔尖挑开了自己的动脉……

1楼2016-02-11 19:26回复

    23楼2016-02-15 21:06
      Einstein was murdered. In the middle of the night on April 18, 1955, a sudden death at Princeton hospital, and this is very small hospital, clinic of the University, not a big hospital. After he was sent to come in, it is destined to be set up to be impossible to go out, and indeed as expected three days to go. After Wan fine sons soldier false testament to head to get a lot of preservatives, followed by the brain cut into 240, almost completely dismembered head got rotten, completed in less than three hours, after daybreak become brain dead, all bloody, immediately transported to the cremation of unexpectedly is a headless corpse, is simply the eternal strange smell. And the reason make go head reason is very valuable, can apply for the super huge research grants, can also be sold to other countries and we can work together to apply for research funding. Einstein in 16 control artery small problems, will not cause illness, on the 17th night still happy calculate some physical problems, results in less than three hours died suddenly and was immediately brain dismembered. From an old colleague to see him still alive and well in Computational Physics, until the ashes, and after only 15 hours, why not, the United States go-vern-ment completely regardless of this matter. In the scientific community "theory", to make black eat black is very serious, everyone can see that money to work, this is "theory" the biggest characteristic, so "theory to send scientists" hospice less and less, many people even the house heritage was transfer led away. In a word, Einstein is likely to be killed, alive by the brain, drawn and quartered, instead of death after brain dismembered, so the brain to sell higher priced, research value

      24楼2016-02-15 21:10

        来自iPhone客户端252楼2016-03-15 13:45

          271楼2016-03-17 00:15

            277楼2016-04-18 21:18

              来自Android客户端279楼2016-04-24 13:25
                有好的推荐么??zzzb258我v 闽Q

                来自iPhone客户端282楼2016-07-03 17:27