And just after that we have synchronized trailers: (22nd February 2014)

After that we were working on improvements and crash fixes with the closedgroup of testers. On 25 April we have announced that Open Alpha starts on 1stMay. However we decided to publish the mod few hours before 1st of May (I thinkit was something like 20:00 - 30 April) - the mod was totally unplayable - andit was mostly my mistake as the code to look for the proper streaming zone inserver was using huge loop instead of using some smart math - after fixing itthe mod was getting more fixes and we finally managed relativly stable versionto focus on making next update.
After many months of working on the mod in January 2015 I decided to drop theHigh school. In that time I started talking with SCS Software CEO - Pavel Seborabout eventuall employment in SCS - in April 2015 i went to Prague for theinterview - it was successfull so I decided I will leave the project as it wassomething that definitely will not work (working at SCS and making fanmultiplayer mod) and I'm here until now. Who knows what future will bring tome.. .
之后,我们正在努力改进和修正的崩溃与测试人员的封闭组。 4月25日,我们宣布开放阿尔法开始于5月1日。但是我们决定5月1日之前发布的MOD几个小时(我认为这是类似于20:00 - 4月30日) - 国防部是完全无法播放 - 这主要是我的错,因为代码来寻找合适的流区在服务器上用巨大的循环,而不是使用一些聪明的数学 - 修复后的国防部越来越多的修复,我们终于relativly稳定版本致力于使下一次更新。
之后工作的国防部在2015年一月多月我决定放弃高中。在那个时候,我开始与SCS软件公司首席执行官谈话 - 帕维Sebor约eventuall就业SCS - 2015年四月我去布拉格的采访 - 这是全成,所以我决定,我将离开这个项目,因为它的东西,肯定是行不通的(在南海工作,使风扇多人MOD),我在这里,直到如今。谁知道未来会带给我什么……