求大神帮翻译一下急着用谢谢!!麻烦最后一段大神们帮我翻译地有点诗意谢谢!! Ask God to help translate what a thank you!! The trouble last people to help me translate some poetic thank you!! 校训“海纳百川,有容乃大”是四川大学发展历程、办学特色与人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、国际交流等学校整体价值追求的总体概括。 Motto "Haina rivers, greatness lies in the capacity" is the Sichuan university development process, the characteristics of school running and the personnel training, generalization of the pursuit of the overall value of the scientific research, social service, international exchanges and other schools. “海纳百川,有容乃大”不仅蕴含着多种精神之内涵,并且恰巧暗嵌“川大”二字。 "Heiner rivers, have the capacity not only contains a variety of spiritual connotation, and to obscure" Sichuan "two words. 这个学校历史悠久,环境优美,全国闻名.......所有别人能想到的优点都不是决定我喜欢它的原因,我喜欢它,是因为我喜欢的人在这里,以他为目标,会让我变得更好。 The school has a long history, beautiful environment, the country is famous... All other people can think of the advantages are not decided I like it, I like it, because I like the people here, with him as the goal, will make me better.